The wild animals of Afghanistan include more than 100 mammal species and more than 380 bird species. Many of Afghanistan’s animals are in danger of extinction. The most seriously endangered animals are the goitered gazelle, leopard, snow leopard, markor goat, and Bactrian deer. Birds are hunted widely and many species are becoming endangered as well. […]
History and Culture
Pets have been around since ancient times, although the pet industry has grown and changed over time. Pets have an ancient history as well as a broad geography. They play a role in religion, art and politics.
Our treatment of animals varies from society to society and has changed a lot throughout history. The articles in this category tell the story of pets in our history and culture. Special attention has been given to countries around the world: the history and attitudes toward animals in each one.
- When euthanasia goes wrong
- Australia
- South Africa
- Italy
- Afghanistan
- Egypt
- Middle East
- Iran
- China
- Poland
- Spain
- Canary Islands
- Great Barrier Reef
- Indian Ocean
- Finland
- Israel
- Wales
- United States of America
- Tibet
- Thailand
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Russia
- Scotland
- Portugal
- Norway
- Netherlands
- Japan
- Ireland
- Hungary
- Germany
- France
- England
- Canada
- Brazil
- Belgium
- George the Guinea Pig
- Rest in Peace Sam Simon
- Exotic Pets in History
- Well-Known Animal Trainers
- Movie/TV Cowboys and Their Horses
- Nathan J. Winograd
- Emperor Caligula and Incitatus
- Famous Veterinarians
- Beatrix Potter
- C.S. Lewis
- Anna Sewell
- U.S. Presidents and their Pets
- Alexander the Great and Bucephalus
- Pets in the Civil War
- Comanche – a Horse
- Black Jack
- Steve Irwin
- Winston Churchill’s Pets
- U.S. State Animal and Bird Symbols
- What Makes an Animal a Pet
- Why Do People Keep Wild Animals as Pets?
- Westminster Dog Show
- Horses in Warfare
- History of Pet Fish
- When Were Farm Animals Domesticated?
- Most Popular Cat Names in 2010
- Most Popular Dog Names in 2010
- History of Pets
- Poseidon and the Horse
- Single Women and Cats
- Pets in Literature
- Pets in Art
- Native American Animal Symbols
- Idioms Relating to Animals
- History of Pet Parrots
- Anthropomorphism of the Family Pet

According to ancient Egyptian law, taking the life of a greyhound warranted the same punishment as killing a man. The Ibizan Hound is an ancient breed which originated in Spain but may have been used by the Pharaohs for hunting. As early as 3500 B.C., Egyptians were domesticating wildcats from Africa. They considered cats to […]

Middle East
The Middle East is the region of Western Asia and North Africa. It includes Egypt, Israel, Iran and Turkey, among others. Sometimes Afghanistan and Pakistan are also included in the Middle East. The Middle East is home to two major deserts – the Arabian desert and the Syrian desert. Animals in these deserts can survive […]

Iran’s wildlife includes bears, gazelles, wild pigs, wolves, jackals, panthers, Eurasian lynx, and foxes. Domestic animals include sheep, goats, cattle, horses, water buffalo, donkeys, and camels. The pheasant, partridge, stork, eagles and falcon are also native to Iran. Conservation Since the 1979 revolution in Iran, conservation of wildlife has been given very low priority. About […]

Groundhogs and Their Day
The Groundhog is the only mammal to have a day named for him. Groundhog Day falls on February 2nd, each year. The Pennsylvania Dutch introduced the tradition to the U.S. in the 18th century. Originally, these early German immigrants had celebrated Candlemas in Germany with the badger, but transferred the honor to the Groundhog. Candlemas […]

Traditionally, all animals in China have been considered as food sources and not as pets. During the Mao era it was considered decadent to own a pet. There was barely enough food for people, let alone for animals. In recent years, pet ownership has become popular, especially in the big cities where many people live […]

Spain contains several geographically diverse regions with different climates and terrain, so it has a great variety of wildlife. Birdwatching is a popular pastime amongst tourists and natives. 70% of Europe’s bird species either visit or breed in Spain. Rare birds of prey such as the black vulture and Eleonora’s falcon can be seen there. […]

Canary Islands
The Canary Islands are a Spanish archipelago located just off the northwest coast of mainland Africa. Surprisingly, the islands were not named for the bird, but rather for the wild canines which lived on it. Wildlife on the islands includes lizards, geckos, many European and African bird species and five species of marine turtles. The […]

Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef. The reef contains an abundance of marine life and comprises of over 3000 individual reef systems and coral cays. It is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in north-east Australia. In 1981, it was selected as a World Heritage Site. It […]