The ancient Percheron Horse gets its name from the province in France of La Perche, southwest of Paris. The people of La Perche have always bred these horses and they are an intricate part of their lives. Although the poodle didn’t originate in France, it was standardized as a distinct breed there. During the reign […]
History and Culture
Pets have been around since ancient times, although the pet industry has grown and changed over time. Pets have an ancient history as well as a broad geography. They play a role in religion, art and politics.
Our treatment of animals varies from society to society and has changed a lot throughout history. The articles in this category tell the story of pets in our history and culture. Special attention has been given to countries around the world: the history and attitudes toward animals in each one.
- When euthanasia goes wrong
- Australia
- South Africa
- Italy
- Afghanistan
- Egypt
- Middle East
- Iran
- China
- Poland
- Spain
- Canary Islands
- Great Barrier Reef
- Indian Ocean
- Finland
- Israel
- Wales
- United States of America
- Tibet
- Thailand
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Russia
- Scotland
- Portugal
- Norway
- Netherlands
- Japan
- Ireland
- Hungary
- Germany
- France
- England
- Canada
- Brazil
- Belgium
- George the Guinea Pig
- Rest in Peace Sam Simon
- Exotic Pets in History
- Well-Known Animal Trainers
- Movie/TV Cowboys and Their Horses
- Nathan J. Winograd
- Emperor Caligula and Incitatus
- Famous Veterinarians
- Beatrix Potter
- C.S. Lewis
- Anna Sewell
- U.S. Presidents and their Pets
- Alexander the Great and Bucephalus
- Pets in the Civil War
- Comanche – a Horse
- Black Jack
- Steve Irwin
- Winston Churchill’s Pets
- U.S. State Animal and Bird Symbols
- What Makes an Animal a Pet
- Why Do People Keep Wild Animals as Pets?
- Westminster Dog Show
- Horses in Warfare
- History of Pet Fish
- When Were Farm Animals Domesticated?
- Most Popular Cat Names in 2010
- Most Popular Dog Names in 2010
- History of Pets
- Poseidon and the Horse
- Single Women and Cats
- Pets in Literature
- Pets in Art
- Native American Animal Symbols
- Idioms Relating to Animals
- History of Pet Parrots
- Anthropomorphism of the Family Pet

Throughout English literature, you can see that British have a love for their pets. Kings and queens can be seen enjoying them in paintings from the Middle Ages. Queen Elizabeth I (1533–1603) of Britain is said to have kept a guinea pig as a pet. Queen Victoria was an avid pet lover. She popularized the […]

Dog sledding has been a popular activity in Canada for thousands of years. Around 1,000 A.D., the Thule Inuit migrated to Artic Canada from what is now Alaska bringing with them the first Canadian Eskimo dogs. The Inuit used dog sledding for transportation: to trade, hunt, fish, and monitor trap lines. Life in northern Canada […]

Brazil is home to 60% of the Amazon rainforest and has the greatest biodiversity of any country on the planet. It has the most species of freshwater fish (3000) and mammals (over 520). It also has 1622 bird species and 468 reptile species. Brazil is second only to Indonesia as the country with the most […]

Anthropomorphism of the Family Pet
Anthropomorphism is the humanization of the non-human, and more people are treating their pets as part of the family. The pet industry is growing in leaps and bounds, the number of pet-owning Americans continues to rise and the number of vets is on the rise too. According to the American Animal Hospital Association, today’s pet […]