Driving on highways or city streets, you’ve probably observed unrestrained dogs in the back of pickup trucks. Did you know that a number of states have banned this practice? Some states have banned transporting loose dogs and children from riding in the back of low-sided pickup trucks. Even with the best trained and obedient animals, […]
Animal Welfare
For lovers of animals, animal welfare is an important issue. Cruelty and negligence toward animals is the norm rather than the exception. Animals are mistreated on farms, in the wild, in laboratories and in industries which profit from animal abuse.
Most countries recognize that animals have the right to “Five Freedoms” which were first proposed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s:
- Freedom from Hunger and Thirst
- Freedom from Discomfort
- Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease
- Freedom to Express Normal Behavior
- Freedom from Fear and Distress
Promotion of animal welfare can be on many levels. First, there is the legislative level. Laws already exist which prevent certain types of animal cruelty but there is still much to be done. Public campaigns are also important, to convince the public to treat animals humanely and not support those who don’t. On the individual level, volunteering at an animal shelter or animal welfare organization can do a world of good. Getting involved in conservation is also a positive action.
- When euthanasia goes wrong
- Famous Animal Rights Activists
- Nathan J. Winograd
- Help Animals – Support These Sites
- HSUS Report on Orca Shows
- The Exotic Pet Industry and Animal Welfare
- Why Do People Keep Wild Animals as Pets?
- Ohio Prohibits Wild Animals as Pets

Angel’s Gate Hospice
Inspired by a love of animals, Susan Marino is the founder and Executive Director of an extraordinary place caring for animals with special needs – ANGEL’S GATE. Susan is a Licensed Veterinary Technician, using a holistic approach to caring for her charges. She has appeared on TV shows, gives lectures and has received many awards […]

History of the RSPCA
In Old Slaughter’s Coffee House (named for the original owner), near Picadilly Circus in London, on the evening of June 16, 1824, an historic meeting took place. It was a meeting to discuss protecting animals from cruelty. Fortunately the meeting’s success has been felt around the world. Two years earlier, Richard Martin, a member of […]

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) was founded in 1866 by Henry Bergh. It was the first humane society to be established in North America. Bergh was the son of a prominent shipbuilder and spent some time traveling in Europe. He visited the Earl of Harrowby, president of England’s Royal […]

About the No Kill Advocacy Center
The No Kill Advocacy Center was established in 2004. Nathan J. Winograd, a strong supporter of the humane treatment of animals, is the Executive Director of the organization. Their belief is that a no kill nation is within reach. Quoting from NKAC, “If every animal shelter in the U.S. embraced the no kill philosophy and […]

No Kill Just One Day Campaign
Please mark your calendars for June 11, 2012 – a special day for pets. Nathan J. Winograd of No Kill Advocacy has announced that on June 11, 2012, communities throughout the United States will end the killing of healthy and treatable animals even for just this one day. Traditional shelters, animal control centers, no kill […]

HSUS Reports on Seals
The HSUS reminds us that the European Union, the United States, Mexico and Croatia banned trade in seal products in 2011. The Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus have joined in and stopped trade in harp seal fur. Seal skin prices have dropped dramatically in Canada. The number of participating hunters dropped from the thousands to […]

ASPCA’s Operation Pit
The ASPCA‘s spay/neuter initiative named “Operation Pit” has been a resounding success serving almost 600 dogs in its first year. Dr. Louise Murray, ASPCA Vice President of the Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital in New York City, tells us that pit bulls, who have larger litters than most dogs, were not often being brought to the […]

ASPCA – Justice is Served
Five more defendants were convicted of animal cruelty 2 years after a massive dog fighting raid which the ASPCA aided and took part in. The defendants were sentenced to jail time. The raid in July of 2009 covered 8 states – Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Nebraska and Mississippi. Rescued from a horrible fate […]