My 180 pound Alaskan Malamute was taken to Three Trails Animal Hospital on December 10, 2012, where Dr. Rhodes’ opinion was that Grizz had lymphoma. I left with a prescription for prednisone, and no hope. In the early morning hours of December 21, Grizz could no longer walk, so in a few hours myself, roommate, […]

ASPCA – It’s Origins
In April, 1866, over one hundred forty years ago, passersby spotted a gentleman named Henry Bergh explaining to the driver of a coal cart who was whipping his horse, that it is against the law to beat one’s animal. Henry Bergh thus earned the name of The Great Meddler. He was born in New York […]

ASPCA Urges Support of Humane Egg Bill
Dear Animal Advocates, The vast majority of egg-producing hens in our country live in miserable and cruel conditions. Thankfully, important legislation has been introduced in Congress to help improve these animals’ lives. The Egg Products Inspection Act Amendments of 2012 (S. 3239/H.R. 3798) represents a joint effort between the egg industry and animal protection groups […]

ASPCA-Horse Slaughter Vote Alert
News from the ASPCA on the upcoming vote on the Agriculture Appropriations bill. Dear Animal Advocates, Great news! Congress is busy setting the federal budget for fiscal year 2013, and on June 19, Rep. Jim Moran’s amendment to block use of taxpayer dollars for horse slaughter inspections was approved by the House Appropriations Committee! This […]

ASPCA-Ban Racehorse Drugging
Here is a letter from the ASPCA explaining what you can do to stop this horrendous practice. Please join the ASPCA in helping horses. Dear Animal Advocates, On May 5, a thoroughbred named I’ll Have Another won the 138th Kentucky Derby. This Saturday is the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes takes place in three weeks. […]

ASPCA-Help Military Dogs
Military working dogs serve and protect U.S. armed forces all over the world including Iraq and Afghanistan. The ASPCA informs us that currently these heroic, loyal dogs are considered “equipment” by the U.S. Department of Defense. This classification not only belittles their lifesaving contributions to our services, but also makes it very difficult to bring […]

ASPCA – Stop Horse Slaughter
The ASPCA along with other animal welfare organizations reminds us of the need to keep Congress and the White House aware that 80% of Americans oppose horse slaughter. It is urgent that you ask your Congressmen to pass the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. This legislation would achieve two things: it would prohibit the export […]

Urgent – ASPCA and Horses
The ASPCA advises that double-decked trailers are dangerous and inhumane when used to transport horses. Double-decker trailers can be used to transport short-necked livestock such as cattle. Horses are taller, with larger heads and longer necks and require more headroom which these trailers simply don’t provide. If horses attempt to stand upright, their unstable footing […]

Animal Welfare Alert
Animal welfare organizations such as the ASPCA and the HSUS are asking people to contact their U.S Representatives concerning two amendments. Their votes are critical in protecting animals. Ask them to: Support the Campbell-DeFazio-Peters amendment to stop Wildlife Services use of taxpayer money to kill predators with inhumane methods such as poison and aerial gunning. […]

ASPCA – April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
News from the ASPCA: April is celebrated as Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month. It’s a perfect time to adopt a pet from a shelter. Until all shelters become No Kill, pets are at risk for euthanasia. Your best friend is waiting at a shelter. If you see anyone abusing an animal, please report it […]