Early diagnosis of a disease is a critical factor in finding a cure and/or extending a good quality life. MALDI-TOF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight) is a technology that has been used for years in human medicine. Veterinary laboratories are now using this technology as an aid to identify bacteria in animals. How it […]
Pet Health
Getting A Second Opinon
When a pet is diagnosed with an illness, particularly one that has a poor prognosis, we are willing to do anything that will help. Seeking a second opinion from a specialist or another vet often can offer different options for a better prognosis. Whether you’ve moved or changed vets for some other reason, you may […]
Natural Flea Remedies
Some of us are lucky and experience flea season only during spring and summer. However for many of us flea season is a year-round occurrence. There are natural ways to fight fleas and although they may take a bit more effort, they do work. There are 4 stages in the life cycle of a flea. […]
Meals on Wheels for Pets
Across the United States, Meals on Wheels has fed low-income families, senior citizens and disabled people for many years. Some of the volunteers delivering the meals noticed that the recipients were giving their food to their pets. They were denying themselves sustenance in order to keep their pets from starving. The volunteers brought this to […]
A “New” Old Medical Treatment
Do you remember hearing about those creatures called Leeches? Well, they’re making a comeback in the world of medicine. And they’ve been proven more effective and safer than some modern therapies for vascular problems, wound care, arthritis and inflammation. Medicinal leeching was used in ancient times and even up to the 19th century to treat […]

Pain Signs in Pets
Believe it or not, up until a number of years ago, the belief was that pets don’t feel pain. Since pets don’t speak humans’ language and body language was not observed, the belief persisted. Animals tend to try to mask their pain, a holdover from living in the wild when any indication of weakness meant […]

Help Your Pet Stay Warm in Winter
It’s winter in parts of the world and Mother Nature has made this winter one of the worst. We may say that every winter – perhaps we just feel more uncomfortable as we get older. While some dogs and even some cats have heavy, thick coats, they do not have sufficient protection from harsh winds, […]

Bladder Stones in Dogs and Cats
Pets rarely suffer from kidney stones, but can have the more common bladder stones. These stones often pass into the urethra. They can be different sizes and there can be one or more. If the stones are small enough, they can be passed. Larger ones can cause an obstruction in the lower urinary tract. There […]

Living Clay
Living Clay (Calcium Montmorillonate), also known as Edible Detox Clay, is an Ayurvedic remedy. Ayurveda is believed to be the oldest healing science. The word, Ayurveda comes from Sanskrit – ayus meaning life or lifespan and veda meaning knowledge. Practiced in India for over 5,000 years, it is a holistic approach to preventing and treating […]
Pet Safety During Home Remodeling
You may be getting ready to have a major do-over on your home. It may be a do-it-yourself job or you’ve hired a contractor. In either case, you’ll have all sorts of tools, paint and other construction items lying about. These items can be hazardous to your pet’s health so here are some reminders of […]