Meals on Wheels for Pets

Across the United States, Meals on Wheels has fed low-income families, senior citizens and disabled people for many years.

Some of the volunteers delivering the meals noticed that the recipients were giving their food to their pets. They were denying themselves sustenance in order to keep their pets from starving. The volunteers brought this to the attention of pet groups and shelters and thus, thanks to caring people, began programs offering free pet food along with meal deliveries.

Meals on Wheels is one of several organizations offering this service. Many areas throughout the U.S. have similar programs.

Pet groups will solicit, pick up and pack and deliver animal food from Meals on Wheels and other agencies donating food. Deliveries are made to nursing homes, senior centers and community centers who also receive free pet food.

Usually, people who qualify for Meals on Wheels and similar agencies are eligible for the free pet food.

Pets play an important role in the lives of people. Most of us who share our lives with pets feel that they are members of the family and are treated as such. They can make the difference for those who are elderly, live alone and/or have lost their mobility, relieving depression and bringing joy into their lives. Pets provide companionship and unconditional love which is another reason people are so willing to give up their own food to their pets.

Adding free meals for pets to Meals on Wheels and like programs can make a huge difference in the health of our seniors and those with disabilities.

For Meals on Wheels or a similar program near you, call County Services in your area or check online for Meals on Wheels.

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