There are dos and don’ts when interacting with a dog. They can make a big difference in how a dog responds to you, particularly a dog who is stressed or frightened. Whether it’s your dog or meeting a strange dog, it’s important to understand dog/human ways of communication. Never force a dog to come to […]

U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics 2017-2018
Did you know? It appears most Americans choose to surround themselves with pets. According to the APPA , 68% of U.S. households include pets. In 2017 Americans spent 69.5$ billion on their pets. Close to 70% more than spent in 2007. The breakdown of pet expenditures for 2017 is presented below: While more American households own […]
Pet Stuff – Tossing Time
Tossing Time for Pet Stuff – it’s that time to check your pet supplies . Just as we humans go through our closets and dressers at regular intervals, we must do the same for our pets . Veterinarians advise that cleaning and repairing or tossing out equipment is an important step in keeping your pet […]
When euthanasia goes wrong
My 180 pound Alaskan Malamute was taken to Three Trails Animal Hospital on December 10, 2012, where Dr. Rhodes’ opinion was that Grizz had lymphoma. I left with a prescription for prednisone, and no hope. In the early morning hours of December 21, Grizz could no longer walk, so in a few hours myself, roommate, […]
General Exotic Pet Articles
10 Most Popular Exotic Pets A Cool Summer for Ferrets Choosing a Vet for Your Exotic Pet Exotic Pets in History Feeding Your Pet Hedgehog Should You Adopt an Exotic Pet? The Exotic Pet Industry and Animal Welfare What Makes an Animal a Pet Vaccinating an Exotic Pet