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When euthanasia goes wrong

My 180 pound Alaskan Malamute was taken to Three Trails Animal Hospital on December 10, 2012, where Dr. Rhodes’ opinion was that Grizz had lymphoma. I left with a prescription for prednisone, and no hope. In the early morning hours of December 21, Grizz could no longer walk, so in a few hours myself, roommate, […]

Dog Health General Animal Welfare

Tail docking

Tail docking is the artificial removal of an animal’s tail. It is usually only done for cosmetic reasons. Many people think it’s inhumane, so tail docking is illegal in many countries including France, Germany, Greece, Israel and the UK and the Province of New Brunswick in Canada. In New Brunswick, it’s illegal to remove tails […]

General Animal Welfare

Animal Legislation

In an attempt to end the inhumane treatment of animals, organizations around the world work daily to protect animals. They investigate and report to the proper authorities any cruel treatment. As an example, in Atlanta, Georgia, United States, attendance at the Humane Lobby Day, February 28, 2012 will teach you effective lobbying techniques and state […]

General Animal Welfare News

FoA Run for NYC Dogs and Cats

Friends of Animals (FoA) is holding a run for New York City’s cats and dogs . It is the Brooklyn Half Marathon and will be held on May 19th. FoA hopes to raise funds to help them continue their lifesaving efforts for animals and subsidize their low-cost spay/neuter program in the New York Metropolitan area. […]

General Animal Welfare

Recognizing Animal Cruelty

Beth Zimmerman, who writes The Wet Nose Blog E-Newsletter for Pets For Patriots, encourages us to recognize and report acts of cruelty to animals. Animal cruelty can have many faces but Black’s Law Dictionary defines it as “The infliction of physical pain, suffering or death upon an animal, when not necessary for purposes of training […]

General Animal Welfare News

United Airlines Lifts Ban on “Dangerous” Dog Breeds

When one woman, Jesse Huart, was denied travel on United Airlines with her 10 year old Pit Bull, she began a campaign to end breed restrictions. Ms. Huart’s petition was endorsed by Best Friends Animal Society, veterinarians, military families and dog lovers worldwide with 45,000 signatures. The airlines will no longer ban the following breeds […]

All Pets General Animal Welfare

Maddie’s Fund 10 Reasons to consider No-Kill

Maddie’s Fund, the Pet Rescue Foundation, is a family foundation established in 1999 to help fund the creation of a no-kill nation. Since its inception, Maddie’s Fund has awarded animal welfare organizations and universities $71.6 million to save dog and cat lives. I think this is a great organization and wanted to share some content […]

Alerts General Animal Welfare


Targeting: The President of the United States, The U.S. Senate, The U.S. House of Representatives, Amy Wood (Vice President Of The WSPA), Dr. Randall Lockwood (Vice President Of The ASPCA), Heidi Prescott (Vice President Of The HSUS), Ed Sayers (President Of The ASPCA), Catherine Reheis-Boyd (President Of The WSPA) and Wayne Pacelle (President Of The […]

Dog Articles General Animal Welfare

Ugly Pet Contests

I recently read an article written by Dr. Patty Khuly on her blog, “Fully Vetted” about ugly pet contests. I find myself in full agreement with her assessments of such a contest. As Dr. Khuly says, “they’re almost always genetically diseased, surgically altered or otherwise afflicted with extreme veterinary conditions.” Do we really want to […]

All Pets Featured General Animal Welfare Pet Health

About Spaying or Neutering

Female cats and dogs can reproduce as early as 6 months old. The heat cycles are up to 4 times a year for cats and twice a year for dogs. Males reach “puberty” from 6-9 months old. Males that have not been neutered can demonstrate behavioral problems such as becoming territorial and aggressive. Female cats […]