The Ohio Livestock Care Standard Board reversed its decision of last month and voted to phase out the extreme confinement of veal calves. The Board received over 4,700 comments in favor of stronger humane standards. See more: Animal Rights and Your Food Ohio Governor Kasich’s team has allowed an emergency rule on the private ownership […]
Animal Welfare
For lovers of animals, animal welfare is an important issue. Cruelty and negligence toward animals is the norm rather than the exception. Animals are mistreated on farms, in the wild, in laboratories and in industries which profit from animal abuse.
Most countries recognize that animals have the right to “Five Freedoms” which were first proposed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s:
- Freedom from Hunger and Thirst
- Freedom from Discomfort
- Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease
- Freedom to Express Normal Behavior
- Freedom from Fear and Distress
Promotion of animal welfare can be on many levels. First, there is the legislative level. Laws already exist which prevent certain types of animal cruelty but there is still much to be done. Public campaigns are also important, to convince the public to treat animals humanely and not support those who don’t. On the individual level, volunteering at an animal shelter or animal welfare organization can do a world of good. Getting involved in conservation is also a positive action.
- When euthanasia goes wrong
- Famous Animal Rights Activists
- Nathan J. Winograd
- Help Animals – Support These Sites
- HSUS Report on Orca Shows
- The Exotic Pet Industry and Animal Welfare
- Why Do People Keep Wild Animals as Pets?
- Ohio Prohibits Wild Animals as Pets

HSUS News on Horse Slaughter
The HSUS reports that some member of the U.S. Congress have removed the protective language to a provision banning horse slaughter on U.S. soil. There is a political campaign to bring horse slaughter back to the U.S. after a 5 year ban. Just a reminder that while it was banned in the U.S., American horses […]

Another Companion Animal Act Hopeful
The No Kill Advocacy Center reports that Minnesota lawmaker, Representative John Benson, has introduced shelter reform legislation, joining New York State in the fight to save animals. The legislation is called the Companion Animal Protection Act (CAPA), House File 1735. Here are a few highlights from the CAPA bill: End “convenience” killing when there are […]

Animal Welfare Alert
Animal welfare organizations such as the ASPCA and the HSUS are asking people to contact their U.S Representatives concerning two amendments. Their votes are critical in protecting animals. Ask them to: Support the Campbell-DeFazio-Peters amendment to stop Wildlife Services use of taxpayer money to kill predators with inhumane methods such as poison and aerial gunning. […]

ALERT – Senate passes ban on crush videos
In a previous Alert, we advised you that after passing in the House of Representatives, the bill to ban the sale of crush videos was going to the Senate. Another victory – the Senate unanimously passed H.R. 5566. It goes back to the House to act on the Senate version of the bill. Contact your […]

A Victory in Florida
Thanks to the efforts of Best Friends, there is a victory in Florida. Governor Rick Scott has just signed into law Senate Bill 722 spearheaded by Best Friends and sponsored by Rep. Garcia of Miami and Sen. Norman of Tampa. The law states that dogs in Florida, saved from dog-fighting busts, will no longer be […]

A Victory – Delaware’s CAPA Act
Thanks to the efforts of the No Kill Advocacy Center, Wilmington, Delaware’s non-profit No Kill shelter, Faithful Friends and groups such as Stray Haven Animal Sanctuary, the Governor of Delaware has signed a progressive law protecting companion animals. The Delaware Companion Animal Protection Act mandates that a shelter must coordinate with rescue groups and if […]

American Humane Association
By the late 1800s there were several societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals in the United States. In 1873 a prevention of cruelty to children was formed. Lacking a unified voice, four years later, delegates from 27 humane organizations in 10 states decided to unite and combine their skills for the welfare of […]

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) calls itself the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 3 million members and supporters. PETA focuses on preventing animal cruelty in factory farms, the clothing trade, in labs (animal testing), and in the entertainment industry. The organization also focuses on preventing the killing […]

History of the HSUS
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), a non-profit organization, was founded in 1954. It is the largest animal protection agency in the world with 7 million members. The HSUS is dedicated to seeking a humane society both in the U.S. and worldwide. The HSUS protects animals through investigation, legal action, education, consumer advocacy […]