September 2015 The Humane Society of the United States announces that the U.S. and China will stop the commercial ivory trade as of a date to be announced. We say thank you and it’s about time.
Animal Welfare
For lovers of animals, animal welfare is an important issue. Cruelty and negligence toward animals is the norm rather than the exception. Animals are mistreated on farms, in the wild, in laboratories and in industries which profit from animal abuse.
Most countries recognize that animals have the right to “Five Freedoms” which were first proposed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s:
- Freedom from Hunger and Thirst
- Freedom from Discomfort
- Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease
- Freedom to Express Normal Behavior
- Freedom from Fear and Distress
Promotion of animal welfare can be on many levels. First, there is the legislative level. Laws already exist which prevent certain types of animal cruelty but there is still much to be done. Public campaigns are also important, to convince the public to treat animals humanely and not support those who don’t. On the individual level, volunteering at an animal shelter or animal welfare organization can do a world of good. Getting involved in conservation is also a positive action.
- When euthanasia goes wrong
- Famous Animal Rights Activists
- Nathan J. Winograd
- Help Animals – Support These Sites
- HSUS Report on Orca Shows
- The Exotic Pet Industry and Animal Welfare
- Why Do People Keep Wild Animals as Pets?
- Ohio Prohibits Wild Animals as Pets

MALDI-TOF, New Diagnostic for Animals
Early diagnosis of a disease is a critical factor in finding a cure and/or extending a good quality life. MALDI-TOF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight) is a technology that has been used for years in human medicine. Veterinary laboratories are now using this technology as an aid to identify bacteria in animals. How it […]

A Pet’s Point of View
Our pets have emotions almost the same as ours. The following expresses their feelings. A Pet’s Point of View My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you get me. Don’t be angry with e for long and don’t lock me up as […]

Pawternity Leave in the U.K.
People in the United Kingdom certainly love their pets. Some firms have even begun to give their employees “Pawternity Leave.” Pawternity Leave is paid time off from work to help get new pets settled at home. Some firms offer a few hours while others allow 2 or more weeks leave. Mars Petcare, manufacturer of well-known […]

Cats and Brain Freeze
The Internet has been inundated with videos of cats being given cold treats that will give them what is known as brain freeze. Sorry for all of you who take offense at what I’m about to say, but I view this as animal abuse. A cat’s nervous system is very similar to a human’s. Therefore […]

Bald Eagle – National U.S. Emblem
The Bald Eagle, a most majestic bird, is native to North America. Its habitat ranges in areas of rivers, lakes and seacoasts. The American Bald Eagle was removed from the Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants list of the Interior Department in June of 2007. The Bald Eagle is still protected by the Migratory Bird […]

How the Judicial System Views Our Pets
In April of 2013, the Texas Supreme Court reversed a case ruling by a State Appellate Court involving the question of whether a dog was a family member or property. It upheld a 122 year old legal precedent barring emotional damage claims in a pet’s death. The Texas Supreme Court ruled that pets are property […]

Rebuilding After Disasters
Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Fires, Flood, all disasters leave a great deal of devastation behind and grief over losses. But it’s important not to panic and try to pick up the pieces as best we can. The aftermath of disasters affects animals too, leaving them frightened and/or injured. In these situations, first responders must attend to […]

Animal Testing
The issue of animal testing is an important one for animal rights activists and pet lovers. What is the issue and what can you do about it? Product testing About 10% of all animals used for scientific purposes are used for product testing. Drugs, cosmetics, pesticides, food additives, and other products that might be hazardous […]