My 180 pound Alaskan Malamute was taken to Three Trails Animal Hospital on December 10, 2012, where Dr. Rhodes’ opinion was that Grizz had lymphoma. I left with a prescription for prednisone, and no hope. In the early morning hours of December 21, Grizz could no longer walk, so in a few hours myself, roommate, […]

Australia is a large and diverse island continent and is home to a variety of animals. The indigenous species include the kangaroo, koala, emu, platypus, echidna, possum, wombat, saltwater and freshwater crocodiles, the dingo, cockatoo and kookaburra. Introduced species include cats, dogs, buffalo, horses, goats, camels, pigs and deer. Australia has a large amount of […]

South Africa
South Africa is home to many indigenous animals, including over 200 mammal species. South Africa is best known for the “Big Five”: elephant, lion, rhino, leopard and buffalo. South Africa is also home to cheetahs, hippos, giraffes, kudus, wildebeest and zebra. There are eight whale species in South African waters. The most commonly seen whale […]

The ancient Romans enjoyed exotic animals and showed them off in the Colosseum. They enjoyed watching them perform tricks, being hunted and killed. Wolves, bears, wild boar, deer and goats were native to Rome and elephants, leopards, lions, ostriches and parrots were imported in the 1st Century B.C. They were followed by the hippopotamus, rhinoceros, […]

The wild animals of Afghanistan include more than 100 mammal species and more than 380 bird species. Many of Afghanistan’s animals are in danger of extinction. The most seriously endangered animals are the goitered gazelle, leopard, snow leopard, markor goat, and Bactrian deer. Birds are hunted widely and many species are becoming endangered as well. […]

According to ancient Egyptian law, taking the life of a greyhound warranted the same punishment as killing a man. The Ibizan Hound is an ancient breed which originated in Spain but may have been used by the Pharaohs for hunting. As early as 3500 B.C., Egyptians were domesticating wildcats from Africa. They considered cats to […]

Middle East
The Middle East is the region of Western Asia and North Africa. It includes Egypt, Israel, Iran and Turkey, among others. Sometimes Afghanistan and Pakistan are also included in the Middle East. The Middle East is home to two major deserts – the Arabian desert and the Syrian desert. Animals in these deserts can survive […]

Iran’s wildlife includes bears, gazelles, wild pigs, wolves, jackals, panthers, Eurasian lynx, and foxes. Domestic animals include sheep, goats, cattle, horses, water buffalo, donkeys, and camels. The pheasant, partridge, stork, eagles and falcon are also native to Iran. Conservation Since the 1979 revolution in Iran, conservation of wildlife has been given very low priority. About […]

Traditionally, all animals in China have been considered as food sources and not as pets. During the Mao era it was considered decadent to own a pet. There was barely enough food for people, let alone for animals. In recent years, pet ownership has become popular, especially in the big cities where many people live […]