Veterinary Forensic Science is a growing tool in the battle against crime, both human and animal. People and pets leave evidence behind wherever they go. With DNA testing, even people who don’t have pets can carry clues with them if they’ve been anywhere in contact with a pet. Stepping in urine or feces, entering a […]
General All Pets
General articles about all types of pets.

Would You Clone Your Pet
Stuffed animal versions of cats, dogs and many other pets are available for sale. But if you want an exact replica of your particular pet, you can have one made by a firm called Cuddle Clones based in Louisville, Kentucky. Jennifer Graham developed the idea of Cuddle Clones thanks to her beloved friend, a Great […]

When euthanasia goes wrong
My 180 pound Alaskan Malamute was taken to Three Trails Animal Hospital on December 10, 2012, where Dr. Rhodes’ opinion was that Grizz had lymphoma. I left with a prescription for prednisone, and no hope. In the early morning hours of December 21, Grizz could no longer walk, so in a few hours myself, roommate, […]

Time Change Affect on Pets
Benjamin Franklin, statesman and inventor, came up with the idea of daylight savings time. But it wasn’t officially adopted into law in the U.S. until 1918. A standard time was set, daylight savings created and time zones established. Changes have been made to the law many times, but the idea remains the same. Most of […]

Laws Covering Pets and Owners
Following is a list of some basic laws covering pets and their owners. Each state, city, county, locality may have the same laws and additional laws. If you move or travel with your pet, you should be aware of the laws where you live or visit. Practically everywhere in the U.S. rabies vaccinations are required. […]

Do Pets Change Your Style
Having pets does change your lifestyle somewhat. Setting up your house, going out, even staying in, vacations. Here are some ways your life can be different. Your pets seem to have a built-in clock. They won’t let you sleep one minute past the time for morning feeding. Or the time for that last walk at […]

Pet Calendar – 2013
Here’s the Pet Activity Calendar for 2013. January Walk Your Pet Month Adopt a Rescued Bird Month January 2nd – National Pet Travel Safety Day January 14th – Dress Up Your Pet Day January 22nd – National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day January 24th – Change a Pet’s Life Today (for the better) February Spay/Neuter […]

Pet Insurance
Pet insurance is growing in popularity. Even though we are living through tough economic times, more and more people are climbing on the pet insurance bandwagon. That is a pretty strong statement about how much we love our pets! This can be attributed to more pet owners wanting to protect themselves from high costs of […]

Celebrating Shelter Animal Birthdays
Most of the time, the actual age and date of birth is not known for shelter animals. Most shelters can pretty accurately determine the pet’s age. North Shore, the largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization has designated August 1st as the shelter animals birthday for all animals whose birthdate is unknown. Other shelters often […]

Goats- A Weapon Against Weeds
In New York City, the Parks Department us using goats to clear an area in Staten Island of weeds. This particular weed, phragmite, is highly invasive and difficult to get rid of. After restoration which will take a couple of years, this huge area will become Freshkills Park, the largest to be developed in New […]