Pet Health

Insects as the Protein in Pet Food
Before you say “yuck”, think of this – almost one-third of the world’s human population include insects in their diets. Protein as well as Omega 3 found in insects are almost equal in amount to those in fish and meat. Many factors in the world today are putting a strain on the supply of meat […]
Addtional Toxic Dangers to Pets
If your dog is anything like one of mine, there is no limit as to what goes in their mouths. Murphy has even been known to eat poop, but she finally gave up that disgusting (to we humans) habit with a little help from me. Playing or ingesting dangerous articles is not limited to dogs […]
Arsenic Toxicity in Pets
Arsenic is a steel-gray element with a metallic luster. It vaporizes in liquid and can form a number of poisonous compounds. Inorganic arsenic is found in herbicides, insecticides, wood preservatives, some insulation and more. Organic arsenic is usually found in heartworm treatments and preventives. Symptoms of arsenic poisoning can occur suddenly up to 24 hours […]
2015 Resolutions to Keep Your Pet Healthy
When making New Year Resolutions for yourself, keep your pet in mind too. Here are some things you can do to give your pet a happier, healthier, longer life. Don’t overfeed your pet. Obesity leads to many diseases. Feed your pet a species appropriate food of high (human) quality. Exercise your pet according to his/her […]
New Device to Track Pet Health
According to PetPace, they have developed and manufactured a cordless pet collar for dogs and cats that can detect medical and behavioral symptoms before they become visible. The collar’s sensors continuously monitor the pet’s temperature, pulse, respiration, heart rate, activity, calorie intake, pain and more. The information is transmitted to a small antenna connected to […]
When euthanasia goes wrong
My 180 pound Alaskan Malamute was taken to Three Trails Animal Hospital on December 10, 2012, where Dr. Rhodes’ opinion was that Grizz had lymphoma. I left with a prescription for prednisone, and no hope. In the early morning hours of December 21, Grizz could no longer walk, so in a few hours myself, roommate, […]
Can Human Blood Save Pets
Blood transfusions have saved many lives, both animal and human. But the donor’s blood must match the recipient’s to avoid serious reactions. While it is not a common practice for human blood to be used in animals, new research submits that a blood serum called albumin can be used to save pets’ lives. Blood is […]
Blowfish and Pufferfish Toxicity
Blowfish and Pufferfish carry a deadly toxin. Called Tetrodotoxin, it is an extremely potent poison and is stored in the skin and internal organs of the fish. Affecting the nervous system, Tetrodotoxin continues to be poisonous when the fish is dead. Even eating a small amount of these fish can be deadly. While Blowfish and […]