My 180 pound Alaskan Malamute was taken to Three Trails Animal Hospital on December 10, 2012, where Dr. Rhodes’ opinion was that Grizz had lymphoma. I left with a prescription for prednisone, and no hope. In the early morning hours of December 21, Grizz could no longer walk, so in a few hours myself, roommate, […]
Our relationship to animals is taught to us at an early age. The attitudes conveyed to us by our parents, teachers and friends make a strong impression. Teachers can educate their students to love and respect animals through lesson plans, field trips, activities and hands-on experience. Adult education is also important for changing old habits and attitudes and instilling new ones.
Articles about education:

Classroom Pets
Before bringing a pet into a classroom where s/he will spend a good part of life there, do your research about which pets are the best and which are the worst. Many children, especially the younger set, will be experiencing being close to animals that are different from the usual cats and dogs. Some children […]

What are the Benefits of a Classroom Pet?
As teachers begin planning for a new school year, some may consider adding a classroom pet. Having a pet in the classroom is a responsibility and does require some advanced planning in order to provide the best possible care for the pet. However, the rewards teachers and students receive in return can be simply amazing. […]

Pet Care Trust’s Pets in the Classroom Grant Program Sees Exceptional Growth
The Pet Care Trust is pleased to announce that its Pets in the Classroom program received over 7,000 requests for grants in the program’s first two years. Established by the Pet Care Trust in 2009, Pets in the Classroom provides grants to Pre-Kindergarten through Sixth grade teachers to purchase or adopt a new pet and […]

Teaching Your Child to Take Responsibility for a Pet
Kids love pets but don’t always want to take on the work involved in caring for them. You probably don’t want to adopt a pet and find yourself doing all the work while your kids have all the fun. So here are some tips for getting your kids to take responsibility for their pet. Even […]

Teachers Benefit from Fish in the Classroom Program at the Florida Aquarium
The Pet Care Trust is pleased to announce that the Fish in the Classroom Program at the Florida Aquarium has continued to impact teachers and their classrooms as a total of 32 teachers participated in the program in the 2010-2011 school year, equaling a total of 232 teachers that have been trained in the program. […]

Putting More Pets in the Classroom
More than 210,000 elementary age school children have the chance to interact on a daily basis with a pet thanks to The Pet Care Trust. Pets in the Classroom, an educational grants program offered by The Pet Care Trust (PCT) to support responsible pet care for school classrooms, grew by leaps and bounds in 2011, […]

Pet Care Trust Sees Big Boost in Pets in the Classroom Grant Program Applicants
The Pet Care Trust is pleased to announce that its Pets in the Classroom program received 3,500 requests for grants in the program’s first fifteen months. The program, established by the Pet Care Trust in 2009, provides grants of $100-$150 to purchase or adopt a new pet and required equipment or $50 to support existing […]

Pets in the Classroom Grant Program Helps Students with Special Needs
Pets in the Classroom, an educational grants program supporting responsible pet care in today’s youth, has provided funding to acquire 10 aquariums for the classrooms of Green Chimneys, a nationally renowned, non-profit organization that helps children with emotional, behavioral, social and learning challenges with the aid of animals. Sponsored by the Pet Care Trust, the […]

Bird Education
With the support of a $10,000 grant from the Pet Care Trust, the American Federation of Aviculture (AFA) has completed the development of its Fundamentals of Aviculture Level II online course. This course, along with the Level I course, are designed to provide the basics of avian physiology and care. According to Rick Jordan of […]