Cat Articles Cat Products

Cats declawing alternative

Do you have a cat scratching up your couch and you are ready to have it declawed? Before you do, check out a product called Soft Claw Nail Caps. It was developed by a veterinarian to help save cats from the declawing procedure. The caps are made of vinyl and are glued to the tips […]

Cat Articles Cat Care

Do Cats Need Baths

Cats generally don’t have to be bathed, but there are times when it is necessary. Cats can come home after spending some time outdoors, covered in dirt, mud or even grease. They may have fleas and ticks or have been sprayed by a skunk. Brushing and combing will usually work to get rid of the […]

Cat Articles General Cat Articles

Description of color terms – Cats

Cats come in a variety of colors and patterns. Kittens from the same litter may all look different from each other. The terms used to define cat color can be confusing to the lay person. Here is a list of the commonly used terms and their definitions: Solid or self – Cat is one color […]

Adoption Cat Adoption Cat Articles

Choosing a Cat from a Shelter

An animal shelter can be an overwhelming place. So many adorable cats are in need of a good home, so how do you choose the one that’s right for you? Examine prospective pets to make sure they look healthy. Their ears should be clean, nose shiny and without discharge and eyes clear and bright (also […]

Cat Articles Myths

Cats and 9 Lives – Myth or Fact?

Because cats have such keen senses and often survive situations that other animals might not, they were thought to have many lives. The origin of the myth of nine lives however is a bit cloudy. Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable explains the myth of a cat’s nine lives because it’s hold on life is […]

Cat Articles Entertainment General Cat Articles

Cat Shows

Cat shows, while not as well-known as dog shows, are still pretty popular. The first modern cat show took place in London in 1871. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) has been running cat shows in the U.S. since 1906. Cat shows work in a similar fashion to dog shows. Each breed of cats has its […]

Cat Articles Cat Care Special Needs

Caring for a Blind Cat

With their strong senses of smell and hearing, it’s often difficult to tell if a cat (or a dog) is blind. Cats adapt fairly easily to being blind since they don’t realize they are handicapped. Here are some tips on caring for a blind cat. First and very important, a blind cat should remain indoors […]

Bird Articles Bird Behavior Cat Articles Cat Behavior

Can Cats and Birds Live Together?

In some instances, cats and birds can live together. Much depends on the cat’s personality and how high the prey drive is. Cats are predators, birds are prey. If you take the time and have patience, you might be able to teach them to tolerate each other. It’s advisable though to take precautions. Try putting […]

Cat Articles General Cat Articles

Are Cat Owners Smarter than Dog Owners?

Almost like the battle of the sexes, the battle between who’s better, cats or dogs, seems to have raged on for centuries. People have a fondness for both types of creatures, as well as plenty of others, and have brought them home, making them a part of the family. Considering that they don’t have to […]

Cat Articles Featured General Animal Welfare General Cat Articles

Trap, Neuter, Release

The program of capturing and euthanizing strays doesn’t work as it does not prevent over-population. New cats and dogs take the place of those captured. Since feral cats and dogs too are usually unsocialized, it’s impossible to put them up for adoption. Most shelters don’t have the time or the money to invest in socializing […]