Angel Stories

Iris and Angel Timo

It was a dark day for me, July 23, 2009, when my dear beloved friend, Timo, suffering from cancer, asked to go to the Rainbow Bridge. Everyone told me to look for signs from Timo – she would send pennies in some form. I wasn’t sure I believed it, but a couple of weeks later […]

Angel Stories Dog Articles

Millie – My Heart and My Miracle Girl

I met Millie on February 6, 2002. It wasn’t a planned meeting. On the contrary, I had no intention on even leaving my house on that blistering, snowy day. And I am one who plans things. I plan my activities for each day with hardly ever anything done on the spur of the moment. But […]

Angel Stories

Liz and Angel Dana

Dana died at 9.00am on Sunday 31st May. As we still had her shelter sister Scully, we were worried about her pining, so we got another rescue dog on June 10th, Ivy. Two weeks later, I was lying in bed on a Sunday morning, half asleep and I got a blinding yellow flash across my […]

Angel Stories Dog Articles Featured

I Am Your Dog

This was sent to me by a dear friend on the group, bonecancerdogs. It has so much meaning for all pet lovers and I wanted to share it with you. I AM YOUR DOG (author unknown) I am your dog, and I have a little something I’d like to whisper in your ear. I know […]

Angel Stories

Anna and Angel Molly

“My Golden Retriever, Molly, lost her battle against osteosarcoma in March ’09. The following October her litter sister Tilly and I moved to a new house. It may sound strange but I was really worried Molly wouldn’t know where we’d gone. It bothered me a lot. One day I had been decorating at the new […]

Angel Stories

Susi and Angel Cami

Today when hubby came home he said he wanted to tell me something. He was at a fast food restaurant for lunch. He said that while he was inside ordering he heard a dog bark. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him since he was inside and dogs are not allowed. At first […]

Angel Stories

Cheryl and Angel Bullet

I have had a few signs from Bullet. The first one was Jersey was sleeping in the bed near the computer and she suddenly jumped up and looked behind her and left the bed. She has never done that before so I know it was because Bullet was there. This was soon after I lost […]

Angel Stories

Christine and Angel Rock

Rock died on a Friday – the day after Thanksgiving. My husband, who works nights, was off until Monday night. I knew it was going to be a rough night with him at work and Rock gone. Rock had always slept with me, and I always felt safe and secure even though my husband was […]

Angel Stories

Roz and Angel Tina

This morning was pretty bad. I have little work coming in and find the days so long without her (Tina). I have been calling about a new puppy and have gotten a bit of a run-around with some of the breeders: they either don’t have pups or don’t have little girls. I was putting Tina’s […]

Angel Stories

Angel Bella

I had a session with an Animal Communicator during which I told Bella I wanted her to come back. The Animal Communicator said Bella was jumping up and down with excitement and said “I will, I will.” Last night followed my naturopath’s advice to take epsom salt baths (I’ve been so stressed that my back […]