Roz and Angel Tina

This morning was pretty bad. I have little work coming in and find the days so long without her (Tina). I have been calling about a new puppy and have gotten a bit of a run-around with some of the breeders: they either don’t have pups or don’t have little girls. I was putting Tina’s pictures in my book and crying deeply. Finally I just asked her to come home. That I needed her to help me, just come home, that I would give up everything just to have her back. I prayed to God and asked Tina to help me because I didn’t think I was doing so good and I was really worried. I hadn’t felt this bad in many days. Suddenly a thought came to me that I should re-check a particular breeder – something or someone said email her instead of calling. I went online and emailed her. Within 30 minutes she emailed me back and said she lost my phone number and she had 2 girls who were ready to have homes. My heart just jumped! I am going tomorrow to see them and hope I can find a little girl who Tina can boss around from Heaven. Then I thanked my beautiful diva, my Tina, who always looked out for her mommy and who I am sure, arranged for the breeder and I to connect. Thank you, thank you, my wise little girl, my beautiful girl, who always carried me when I was not doing well.

Roz & Angel Tina, forever my partner in life.

A footnote: Roz went to the breeder and found her pup. She named her on the spot – Girlie Girl.

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