Veterinarian Dr. Patty Khuly has joined the fight against unrestricted use of antimicrobials in animal feed. The FDA and the American Medical Association (AMA) have argued against the non-therapeutic use of antibiotics in animals. What this means is that a sick animal should be treated with the necessary drugs and there should be a waiting […]
Your Health
Pets can have an effect on your health. On the positive side, caring for a pet has many health benefits, both psychologically and physically. However, there are also some health risks to owning a pet. This page contains resources which tell you about the health benefits of caring for a pet, how you can safeguard your health while taking care of a pet and what issues to watch out for.

Second Careers for Racehorses
Retired racehorses often begin “second careers” in other sports, as studs/broodmares or as therapeutic pets. At the Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit at Keeneland June 28, 2010, speakers stressed the need for racehorses to be treated well in order for them to have the ability to start a second career. If pushed too […]

Equine Therapy
Animal therapy – horses, dogs, cats, even elephants and dolphins – is used today to help people, young, old and in between , work through their problems both physical and emotional. Therapy with horses can help children and adults with a variety of physical, psychological and emotional problems. Equine therapy began as treatment for people […]

ASPCA – Animals and Antibiotics
The ASPCA is asking for your support to stop the use of antibiotics in farm animals. The ASPCA tells us that almost 80% of all antibiotics sold in the United States are fed to the animals we eat. Besides the fact that most of these animals are kept in overcrowded, unsanitary, inhumane conditions, diseases are […]

How Pets Can Help Kids with ADHD
Children who have been diagnosed with ADHD can benefit from caring for and playing with a pet. If you are on the fence about bringing an animal into your family and you have a child with ADHD, consider these points: A pet can teach a child with ADHD to schedule and plan ahead. Pets require […]

Cleanup – Someone Has to Do It
It’s a dirty job, but it’s part of the responsibility of owning a pet. Not only is the sight and smell of pet poop aesthetically displeasing, it can be downright dangerous. Contrary to a popular belief, stepping in poop is not lucky and your would know that if it has ever happened to you. Many […]

Pets For Patriots
Studies have proven time and again how pet ownership brings joy and good health to us. As pet lovers, we all feel that our pets are family members, deserving of a loving home. Pets For Patriots is an organization whose mission is to offer adult pets for adoption to members of the U.S. military. Pets […]

Dogs Who May Bite
Fear is the strongest motivator when dogs bite. Biting is the last defense a dog uses. Most dogs give signals, warning us beforehand to stop what we are doing or to stay away. If we humans don’t interpret the signals correctly, we may leave the dog with no choice but to bite. Observe your dog […]

Lyme Disease in Pets
Lyme Disease is a tick-borne disease. It can be found all over the world and in all of the U.S. The Northeastern U.S. including New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Connecticut carry the majority of cases. It was first discovered in Lyme, Connecticut where it got its name. While not all ticks carry […]

Israel Develops First Alzheimer’s Dog
An Israeli social worker, Daphna Golan-Shemesh and an Israeli professional dog trainer, Yariv Ben Yosef, pooled their knowledge, the result of which is a trained guide dog for early onset Alzheimer’s patients. While sharing their expertise in their chosen fields, they decided to combine forces along with Daphna’s nurturing nature and Yariv’s energy. Daphna was […]