Your veterinarian is the person who cares for your precious friend and helps you to maintain his/her good health. Here are some ways to show your appreciation. Pay bills on time and without complaint. Be understanding when your appointment is held up due to an emergency. Be respectful and courteous to the staff. Be honest […]

House Call Vets
The thought of a visit to the veterinarian’s office sends many pet owners and their pets into a panic. There are pets that are so terrified that when close to the office, they may experience physical problems and might injure themselves and their humans trying to escape. There is an alternative – house call vets. […]

Fear of Vet Visits
Our pets don’t understand that veterinarians help keep them healthy and will help them feel better if they are ill. As territorial creatures, cats are easily upset in unfamiliar surroundings. Both cats and dogs may not like the medicinal odor in a vet’s office. They can also sense if we or other pets and their […]

Famous Veterinarians
James Herriot was the pen name of James Alfred Wight, a Scottish veterinarian who was born in 1916. In 1969 Wight wrote If Only They Could Talk, the first of the now-famous series based on his life working as a vet. This book and some of his other stories were collected in a book called […]

Cutting Back on Vet Bills
As many of us are going through tougher financial times these days, we are all looking for ways to cut back. While none of us want to do anything to put our pets’ health at risk, there may be some ways we can cut back on veterinarian bills without sacrificing the health of our furry […]

Celebrating Veterinary Technicians
When you go to a veterinarian’s office, chances are the first person you meet is a veterinary technician. Their jobs are many and varied. Their work is invaluable, allowing the vet to concentrate on the patient while they assist. Veterinary Technicians can actually work in other settings besides the veterinary office such as zoos, laboratories […]

What to Expect at Your Pet’s Checkup
It is vital to your pet’s health to have annual or bi-annual checkups at your veterinarian’s office. Most vets begin their checkups with the pet’s nose, checking for any signs of a discharge or infection. Next your vet will check your pet’s eyes. This can be especially important with older pets in detecting cataracts. If […]

Questions for Vets about Medications
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration recommends the following questions to ask your veterinarian regarding prescribed medications for your pet. Why has my pet been precribed these medications? How long does the medicine need to be given? Should it be given with food? How often should the medicine be given? How much each time? If […]

Questions to Ask Before Surgery
Having your pet go through surgery can be very stressful. But being well-informed beforehand can ease some of that worry. Consider asking your veterinarian/surgeon some of these questions. Is s/he board certified? You want someone qualified to perform the particular surgery your pet needs. Has s/he performed this procedure before? Is a specialist required for […]