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Canine club getaway
Dogs Make Trails to Canine Club Getaway, New York’s Premier Dog-Friendly Vacation Canine Club Getaway, the all-inclusive resort vacation for dogs and the people who love them, takes on a Western theme as it moves to the Roaring Brook Ranch & Tennis Resort in Lake George, NY. Scheduled for June 2-6, this year’s Getaway will […]
The First Dog, Bo
All the U.S. Presidents have had pets except for three. Pres. Barack Obama is no exception to the rule. Shortly after entering the White House, he and his family adopted a six-month old Portuguese Water Dog which they named Bo. The pure-bred dog was given to the Obamas as a gift by Sen. Ted Kennedy […]
Questions for Vets about Medications
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration recommends the following questions to ask your veterinarian regarding prescribed medications for your pet. Why has my pet been precribed these medications? How long does the medicine need to be given? Should it be given with food? How often should the medicine be given? How much each time? If […]