UK Changes Quarantine Regulations

Comfy Crate

Since the 1800s, pets entering the United Kingdom have been placed in 6 month quarantine to prove they did not have rabies. But that regulation has eased.

As of January 1, 2012, animals from the European Union and listed countries including the United States and Australia can enter with proof of a rabies vaccination 21 days before coming to the U.K.

Pets from unlisted countries such as India, Brazil and South Africa will be quarantined for 3 months. But they must also have the rabies vaccination and a blood test.

Britain follows other EU nations in changing the quarantine regulations for pets. At the same time, the new rules put the risk of rabies coming into the country at a very low level.

Pet owners and people who rely on assistance dogs welcome these new regulations – a huge step forward in keeping their beloved pets safely with them.

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