A lot of pet owners call their vet or consult Google every time their pet eats something that’s not their food. Apart from chemicals that can be found in the house, the most suspicious items that can be eaten seem to be plants. A lot of them are poisonous to people, and if not poisonous, […]
Pet Safety
Keeping our pets safe is a major concern. Just like a household with small children, a household with pets must be pet-proof, since there are many hazards in ordinary household items. Safety is also imperative outside the home: in the yard, in the car and while taking a stroll. Seasonal hazards exist too. Summer and winter require different precautions, and holidays can be a dangerous time for pets.
Below are some articles on keeping your pet safe:

Swimming Pool Safety for Dogs
These days lots of people have swimming pools in their backyards. It’s a great way to cool off during hot summer days, for dogs as well as their humans. But there can be hazards to avoid and it’s important to teach your dog pool manners and safety. Practice stay and wait commands until your dog […]

2 Cents Worth
[[]] Most cats love to jump up to high places. Your kitchen counters, tables and sometimes your stove are no exception. Being curious creatures they stick their noses and paws into everything. It’s up to us to make sure they are safe. If you’re cooking or have hot pots on counters, keep an eye on […]

Help Your Pet Stay Warm in Winter
It’s winter in parts of the world and Mother Nature has made this winter one of the worst. We may say that every winter – perhaps we just feel more uncomfortable as we get older. While some dogs and even some cats have heavy, thick coats, they do not have sufficient protection from harsh winds, […]

Coyotes – A Danger to Pets
Coyotes and dogs are very closely related, having the same common ancestor. But as the saying goes, “you can choose your friends, but not your relatives.” Coyotes natural territory was once the Southwest United States, but with constant development in these regions, they have spread throughout the country. Destruction of their natural habitat has caused […]

Preparations to Care for Horses in Disasters
Wildfires, hurricanes, flooding, tornado threats, all are yearly disasters we face. Planning ahead to evacuate and save large animals such as horses is paramount in these situations. Decide on an evacuation plan that fits your circumstances. If you own a horse trailer, train your horse to go in quickly on your command. Check the trailer […]

Facing an Immediate Disasters
What do you do when you have several pets and you are faced with an immediate danger – gas leak, house fire, brush fire, flood, other emergencies that arise with little or without prior warning. It’s important to be prepared before any disaster strikes by putting together a kit that you can reach quickly and […]

When euthanasia goes wrong
My 180 pound Alaskan Malamute was taken to Three Trails Animal Hospital on December 10, 2012, where Dr. Rhodes’ opinion was that Grizz had lymphoma. I left with a prescription for prednisone, and no hope. In the early morning hours of December 21, Grizz could no longer walk, so in a few hours myself, roommate, […]

Christmas and Chanukah Pet Safety
We think it’s important to remind you of pet safety during the holiday season. So we put together a few tips to help you. Christmas tree ornaments and decorations should be placed high on the tree, if possible out the reach of pets. Try using ornaments that don’t shatter if they fall. Replace any hooks […]

National Poison Prevention Week
National Poison Prevention Week for 2013 is March 17-23. The ASPCA National Animal Poison Control Center wants to educate pet owners about poison safety. The Center is the only poison control hotline for animals in North America. Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Staffed by 16 […]