National Poison Prevention Week for 2013 is March 17-23.
The ASPCA National Animal Poison Control Center wants to educate pet owners about poison safety. The Center is the only poison control hotline for animals in North America. Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Staffed by 16 veterinarians including 4 board-certified animal toxicologists and 6 certified veterinary technicians. The number to call for assistance is 1-888-4ANI-HELP.
ASPCA tips for a poison-safe pet environment:
Store all cleaning agents, pesticides and medications (prescription and over-the-counter) in areas where your pet cannot get to them.
Never give your pet any medications unless prescribed by a veterinarian. Follow directions carefully. Always check with your vet if an unwanted reaction occurs. Human medications can be deadly for pets.
Check with your vet before using flea and tick products, especially with sick, debilitated or pregnant pets.
The ASPCA warns that mothballs, potpourri oils, coffee grounds, homemade play dough, fabric softener sheets, dishwashing detergent, batteries, cigarettes, alcoholic drinks and hand and foot warmers are potentially toxic to pets.
Use products specifically for dogs only on dogs. Only use products on cats made specifically for them. Never use permethrin spot on products for cats.
Read labels through before using a product in your home to ensure it is petsafe.
Automotive products such as gasoline, oil and antifreeze should be kept where they are inaccessible to pets.
Check our list and the extensive plant list on the ASPCA site to determine which plants are safe around pets. Use only those that are safe in your home and in your garden.
If you have any questions about a product and its use, contact the manufacturer, your veterinarian or the Center hotline.
NOTE: Please be aware of the wildlife in your area. Dispose of poisonous substances in a proper manner so that animals cannot get into them. Any outdoor plants that are poisonous to cats and dogs can be poisonous to other animals as well. Please use only non-toxic plants in your garden.