Did you know? It appears most Americans choose to surround themselves with pets. According to the APPA , 68% of U.S. households include pets. In 2017 Americans spent 69.5$ billion on their pets. Close to 70% more than spent in 2007. The breakdown of pet expenditures for 2017 is presented below: While more American households own […]
MALDI-TOF, New Diagnostic for Animals
Early diagnosis of a disease is a critical factor in finding a cure and/or extending a good quality life. MALDI-TOF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight) is a technology that has been used for years in human medicine. Veterinary laboratories are now using this technology as an aid to identify bacteria in animals. How it […]
News About the Ivory Trade in the U.S.
June 2, 2016 The United States Fish and Wildlife Service has placed an almost complete ban in the commercial ivory trade. As the U.S. is one of the major importers of ivory in the world, this is great news for African elephants. It’s a start that hopefully will lead to the end of global elephant […]

News – Supporting Bills to Save Animals
Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)2014 The HSUS is asking everyone to support the Humane Cosmetics Act that will end animal testing for personal products. There is no reason to continue this testing on animals since there are more reliable and cost effective alternatives available. Please make a polite phone call to Rep. John […]

Westminster Dog Show – 2014
The 138th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show took place on February 10th and 11th this year. Held at Madison Square Garden in New York City, 190 dog breeds were represented and there were 2,845 contestants, the largest show since 1990. Dogs from all 50 states and 127 foreign countries were entered in the event. There […]

No Kill Movie News
On June 6, 2014 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, there will be a premiere showing of “Redemption, the No Kill Revolution in America.” The film is based on Nathan J. Winograd’s book of the same name. Mr. Winograd is the leader of No Kill Advocacy. The showing is open to the public. There will be an after […]

ASPCA-Congress Says No Horse Slaughter in U.S.
January 6, 2014 With the U.S. Senate passage of spending bill FY 2014, no horse slaughter facilities in the U.S. will be allowed to open in 2014. Senior Vice President of ASPCA Relations, Nancy Perry, said the following: “The message from Capitol Hill is loud and clear on this issue: Our horses deserve better and […]
When euthanasia goes wrong
My 180 pound Alaskan Malamute was taken to Three Trails Animal Hospital on December 10, 2012, where Dr. Rhodes’ opinion was that Grizz had lymphoma. I left with a prescription for prednisone, and no hope. In the early morning hours of December 21, Grizz could no longer walk, so in a few hours myself, roommate, […]
NCCF-New Hemangiosarcoma Research Study
Gary Nice, President and CEO of the National Canine Cancer Foundation (NCCF), has exciting news about a hemangiosarcoma research project. Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a difficult cancer to diagnosis. It is often found too late to save the dog. NCCF has initiated the research project led by Dr. Elizabeth Plihar, D.V.M., PhD and John Ohlfest, PhD. […]
Tour for Life Pet Adoption Event
Tour for Life Pet Adoption Event is Coming to a City Near You! North Shore Animal League America’s Tour for Life® 2014, the world’s largest cooperative mobile pet adoption event, is traveling across the country and partnering with shelter and rescue groups in 52 cities in 26 states, plus Washington D.C. Please join us for […]