Did you know? It appears most Americans choose to surround themselves with pets. According to the APPA , 68% of U.S. households include pets. In 2017 Americans spent 69.5$ billion on their pets. Close to 70% more than spent in 2007. The breakdown of pet expenditures for 2017 is presented below: While more American households own […]

ASPCA Urges Support of Humane Egg Bill
Dear Animal Advocates, The vast majority of egg-producing hens in our country live in miserable and cruel conditions. Thankfully, important legislation has been introduced in Congress to help improve these animals’ lives. The Egg Products Inspection Act Amendments of 2012 (S. 3239/H.R. 3798) represents a joint effort between the egg industry and animal protection groups […]

HSUS Investigation of Horse Soring
The practice of horse soring is when the hooves and lower leg areas are intentionally injured in order to cause the horse pain and distress. This cruel treatment is in order to make the horse step higher than natural in shows. This exaggerated gait gives owners and trainers more of an advantage in winning. The […]

Dumping Gestation Crates
Gestation crates are 2 x 7 feet enclosures which are barely larger than the sows they hold. The animal can’t turn around, lie down comfortably or move in any direction for her entire life. After 2 or 3 years of living through several pregnancies in these crates and when the sow’s body can’t produce any […]

ASPCA-Ban Racehorse Drugging
Here is a letter from the ASPCA explaining what you can do to stop this horrendous practice. Please join the ASPCA in helping horses. Dear Animal Advocates, On May 5, a thoroughbred named I’ll Have Another won the 138th Kentucky Derby. This Saturday is the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes takes place in three weeks. […]

L’Oreal Helps End Animal Testing
L’Oreal is the largest beauty and cosmetics company in the world. The HSUS tells us that for years L’Oreal has been involved in developing safe testing of their products without using animals. L’Oreal has provided the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with funds to test their methods and assess the safety in cosmetics. In a March […]

Burger King Supports Animal Welfare
Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of HSUS announced the good news that Burger King will switch to 100% cage-free eggs for all its U.S. locations over the next 5 years. Burger King will also eliminate battery cages and gestation crates from their U.S. supply chain. They will only do business with pork suppliers who have […]
HSUS-Force-feeding Ducks for Foie Gras
California lawmakers passed a bill in 2004 phasing out force-feeding ducks to produce foie gras – literally, a fatty liver. The law goes into effect June 2012. Guillermo Gonzales of Sonoma Foie Gras, major producer of foie gras, along with some other chefs are proposing an override of the law, backing down on his promise […]

Animal Cruelty and Fur
Many animals are mistreated in the name of fashion. Furs may look warm and luxurious, but they are created with no regard for the suffering and pain of animals. Some wild animals are caught in traps to be used for fur. Once they have endured the pain of being caught by the leg in a […]

Vegetarian Pets
If you’re a vegetarian, should your pet be one too? This is a controversial issue and animal rights activists are divided. Here are some of the arguments for and against feeding your pet a vegetarian diet. Yes, pets should eat a plant-based diet Buying meaty pet food supports the same meat industry that vegetarians and […]