The HSUS reports that some member of the U.S. Congress have removed the protective language to a provision banning horse slaughter on U.S. soil. There is a political campaign to bring horse slaughter back to the U.S. after a 5 year ban. Just a reminder that while it was banned in the U.S., American horses […]

Animal Welfare Alert
Animal welfare organizations such as the ASPCA and the HSUS are asking people to contact their U.S Representatives concerning two amendments. Their votes are critical in protecting animals. Ask them to: Support the Campbell-DeFazio-Peters amendment to stop Wildlife Services use of taxpayer money to kill predators with inhumane methods such as poison and aerial gunning. […]

A Solution to Birds Flying into Windows
As the HSUS reminds us, in spring, millions of birds are migrating to their nesting places. Amazingly birds can navigate long distances, many miles, without mishap. While they can tolerate most anything in nature, man-made structures become deadly to them. Plate glass windows are the biggest danger because birds mistake the transparent glass for open […]

From HSUS – Snake Ban
The HSUS tells us that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, in the Everglades, announced a ban on the import and trade in Burmese Pythons, Yellow Anacondas, and northern and southern African Pythons. These are large constricting snakes, not suitable as pets. They can kill and injure people, owners and others alike. They are an invasive species […]

HSUS Reports on Seals
The HSUS reminds us that the European Union, the United States, Mexico and Croatia banned trade in seal products in 2011. The Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus have joined in and stopped trade in harp seal fur. Seal skin prices have dropped dramatically in Canada. The number of participating hunters dropped from the thousands to […]

HSUS-Factory Farming and Contagious Diseases
Dr. Michael Greger, director of public health and animal agriculture at the HSUS has authored a book, “Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching.” Dr. Greger’s interest in animal diseases affecting humans began with AIDS research. It is believed that the HIV virus began with the bushmeat trade in Africa with the slaughter of […]

HSUS Reports on Polar Bears
The Humane Society of the United States report – In 2008 the Polar Bear was listed by the Bush Administration as threatened with extinction under the Endangered Species Act. Two weeks later, Safari Club International and other trophy hunting groups filed a federal lawsuit to reopen American borders to the import of sport-hunted polar bear […]

HSUS Celebrates a Milestone
Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States, is proud to announce the signing of the 1,000th Puppy-Friendly Pet Store. The program was launched by the HSUS in 2008. PetSmart and Petco, the two largest pet retailers, took the lead in shunning the sale of dogs several years ago. Some […]

HSUS – Speaking for Animals
Tuesday, September 6, 2011, the California Senate passed a ban on shark finning. Sharks are being hunted and cruelly killed for their fins which are used in a soup dish. The California ban is the latest in a series of state and federal laws curbing this inhumane and needless slaughter of sharks. The HSUS encourages […]

HSUS – Help for Hens
The Humane Society of the United States and the United Egg Producers, the primary trade association for the egg industry, have reached an agreement to end barren battery cages (small, cramped cages that nearly immobilize the hens) for egg laying hens in America. All eggs sold will be labeled with information on the production practices […]