All Pets Cat Health Dog Health Pet Health

Acupuncture for Pets

We consider our pets members of the family and it’s heartbreaking to see them suffering and in pain. Today, more and more people are turning to acupuncture as an alternative therapy to treat ailments and the pain that accompanies them. Acupuncture is used mainly for cats, dogs, horses and farm animals. But birds, ferrets and […]

Cat Health Dog Health

Pet Obesity Leads To Pet Joint Degeneration

How much do you feed your pet from the table? Actually, let’s shelve that idea for a moment. A show of hands – how many of you will make a birthday cake and feed it to your dog? You can’t see the results, but trust us there are people out there with their hands up. […]

Cat Articles Cat Care Cat Health Senior Pets

Caring for an Older Cat

Perhaps we can take a lesson from older cats. They are quieter, love attention and are great companions. They take the time to “smell the roses” and leave their younger counterparts to their antics. When you notice these signs of aging in your cat, it’s probably time for a visit to your vet. Your vet […]

Cat Behavior Cat Health Pet Safety

Danger of Knitting Yarn for Cats

This is another one I learned from personal experience as I love to knit and often left my yarn projects lying about. Cats love playing with yarn and are often pictured that way. It’s too bad that cats are not shown playing with safer toys to give us the correct impression. But that ball of […]

Cat Diseases Cat Health

Plasma Cell Stomatitis

Plasma Cell Stomatitus is a very painful, chronic condition in which the gums of cats are an angry red and bleed at the lightest touch. Breath is foul and the cat drools. Cats can become inappetant, only licking their food. A blood test and biopsy are necessary to diagnose Plasma Cell Stomatitus. It may be […]

All Pets Cat Articles Cat Health Dog Articles Dog Health Featured Pet Health

Home Cooking For Your Pet

Your dog’s and cat’s diet needs to include certain nutrients for growth and on through adulthood and aging. There are many high quality pre-packaged pet foods that provide these nutrients and also cater to special needs. However, many of us want to feed homecooked diets. And many of us have pets with special needs and […]

Cat Articles Cat Diseases Cat Health

What illnesses are preventable in cats?

The following is a list of some illnesses that are preventable in cats. If you begin vaccinations at an early age you are giving your cat every opportunity to live a healthy, happy, long life. There is controversy over yearly boosters, whether to give or not to give them. Personally I think it’s advisable at […]

Cat Articles Cat Health

My cat’s ear has an unknown bubble on the inner top ear

Whenever you see something unusual on your pet, it’s best to seek the advice of a veterinarian.

Cat Articles Cat Care Cat Health

Declawing your Cat

If you are thinking of declawing your cat, please take a moment to read this. Declawing your cat is not a simple procedure, it is major surgery. Declawing removes the last joint of the cat’s paw as well as the claw itself. Believe it or not, declawing is common only in the United States and […]