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Caring for an Older Cat
Perhaps we can take a lesson from older cats. They are quieter, love attention and are great companions. They take the time to “smell the roses” and leave their younger counterparts to their antics. When you notice these signs of aging in your cat, it’s probably time for a visit to your vet. Your vet […]
Laser Therapy for Pets
Laser therapy has proven effective in treating arthritis in dogs, cats, horses and other pets. It has given relief to an estimated 90% or more of geriatric and arthritis patients. Cold laser therapy uses light to stimulate cells and increase blood circulation. The Class IV lasers allow better penetration in a shorter amount of time. […]
Danger of Knitting Yarn for Cats
This is another one I learned from personal experience as I love to knit and often left my yarn projects lying about. Cats love playing with yarn and are often pictured that way. It’s too bad that cats are not shown playing with safer toys to give us the correct impression. But that ball of […]