Science has provided a lot of evidence showing that pets have a role to play when it comes to mental health. In most studies, pets are the best companions for people suffering from mental disorders. Most people who look for insurance for their pets via agree that in one way or the other, their […]
Responsible Pet Ownership
Owning a pet is not just a privilege – it’s a responsibility. These animals depend on us for food and shelter and deserve much more. Bringing home a pet is a serious commitment to caring for and loving one of God’s creatures. Responsible pet ownership begins with doing your research before adoption. Millions of pets end up in animal shelters because their owners realize the commitment is too great. Before adopting a pet, make sure your lifestyle permits you to properly care for the pet of your choosing.
The American Kennel Club and its sponsors have named February as Responsible Pet Owners Days. The AKC has written a list of promises for dog owners to agree and adhere to as responsible people. Most of these promises can work for other pets as well, just substitute your pet for the word dog.
As a dog owner, I promise:
I will never overlook my responsibilities for this living being and recognize that my dog’s welfare is totally dependent on me.
I will always provide fresh water and quality food for my dog.
I will socialize my dog via exposure to new people, places and other dogs.
I will take pride in my dog’s appearance with regular grooming.
I will recognize the necessity of basic training by teaching my dog to reliably sit, stay and come when called.
I will make sure my dog is regarded as an AKC Canine Good Citizen by being aware of my responsiblity to my neighbors and to the community.
I will ensure that the proper amount of exercise and mental stimulation appropriate for my dog’s age, breed and energy level is provided.
I will ensure that my dog has some form of identification (which may include collar tags, tattoo or microchip ID.
I will adhere to local leash laws.
You can sign the Pet Promise by going to the AKC site and Responsible Pet Owners Days.
It’s up to us as responsible pet owners to reach the public and encourage and teach all pet owners on how to ensure happy lives for their pets. We owe our pets the care they deserve and the unconditional love they give to us.
The American Veterinary Medical Association Executive Board has compiled their list for responsible pet ownership which we will include here.
A committment to the relationship for the life of the pet.
Recognize pet ownership requires an investment of time and money.
Keep only the type and number of pets for which an appropriate safe environment can be provided including proper food, water, shelter, health care and companionship.
Ensure pets are properly identified (tags, mircrochips, tattoos) and registration information on databases is kept up-to-date.
Adhere to local orinances including licensing and leash requirements.
Control reproduction through managed breeding – containment, spay/neuter.
Establish and maintain a veterinarian-client-pet relationship.
Provide preventive (vaccinations, parasite control) and therapuetic health care for the life of pets in consultation with and as recommended by the veterinarian.
Socialization and proper training for pets which facilitates their well-being and the well-being of other animals and people.
Prevent pets from negatively impacting other animals, people, the environment by proper waste control, noise control and not allowing pets to stray or become feral.
Provide exercise and mental stimulation appropriate to the pet’s age, breed and health status.
Advance preparation to ensure the pets well-being in caseof an emergency or disaster including assembling an evacuation kit.
Make an alternative arrangement if caring for the pet is no longer possible.
Recognize declines in the pet’s quality of life and make decisions in consultation with a veterinarian regarding end-of-life care (palliative care, hospice, euthanasia).

Controlling Obesity in Cats and Dogs
Obesity in cats and dogs is becoming a major problem and a cause for concern. Surveys have shown that over 40% of America’s pets are overweight. We tend to show affection by lavishing our loved ones with food not considering the damage that can be done. But overfeeding our pets to the point of obesity […]

A Dog’s Thoughts
From the Rainbow Bridge I died today. You got tired of me and took me to the shelter. They were overcrowded and I drew an unlucky number. I am in a black plastic bag in a landfill. Some other puppy will get the barely used leash you left My collar was too dirty and too […]

When euthanasia goes wrong
My 180 pound Alaskan Malamute was taken to Three Trails Animal Hospital on December 10, 2012, where Dr. Rhodes’ opinion was that Grizz had lymphoma. I left with a prescription for prednisone, and no hope. In the early morning hours of December 21, Grizz could no longer walk, so in a few hours myself, roommate, […]

The Importance of Pet Tags
If you’ve ever experienced a pet wandering off and getting lost, you know the desperation you feel. Just to give you an example – A stranger entered my house while I was out and left the door open, an invitation to my German Shepherd to go out for a walk. When I arrived home after […]

Exercising Your Dog
Exercising your dog promotes calmness at home and is necessary for the good health of your pal. Exercising your dog offers a 2 fold benefit, not only exercise for your dog, but exercise for you as well. Too little exercise can result in unwanted destructive and attention-seeking behavior. Of course walking your dog seems to […]

Divorce-Who Gets the Pet(s)
According to law, a pet is considered personal property. But to people who share their lives with pets, they mean so much more. We consider our pets part of our family and that’s where disputes enter into divorce cases. Because of our strong bond with pets, judges will take into consideration what is best for […]

Your Pet Needs Surgery- No Funds
The cost of pet care along with just about everything has risen considerably. It could be partly due to new equipment and new treatments available for our pets. When emergencies occur, most of us have to dig deep in our pockets to pay the cost of care. Sometimes we have to face the difficult decision […]

Convincing Parents to Get a Pet
It may sound like a difficult task, but if you really want a pet, here are some tips on how to convince your parents you are ready. Carefully research the type of pet you’re interested in. Learn as much as you can about the pet. There are always new things to learn about the pet. […]

Choosing a Vet for Your Exotic Pet
Finding a veterinarian for your exotic pet may not be simple and is best done before adoption, so you don’t discover too late that you can’t provide your pet with adequate health care. Veterinarian schools focus on common domesticated animals so many vets aren’t trained to care for some of the more exotic pets. Your […]