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Emin’s and Gambian Pouched Rats
Emin’s and Gambian Pouched Rats are so similar that it’s difficult to tell them apart. They are originally from Africa where they lived in forests and wooded areas. They were once imported to the U.S. as pets, but importation is now illegal as a pouched rat was found to be a carrier of monkeypox. The […]
Steppe Lemming
The Steppe Lemming is found in Russia and the Ukraine. They are 87-140 mm. long and weigh 25-35 gms. Color is light grey. Life span is 2-2 1/2 years. Usually friendly, male Steppe Lemmings can be territorial, so watch for aggression. They are tame enough to be hand-held. Suitable housing is an aquarium with a […]
Where does the Chinchilla come from? This small rodent is native to South America. They live on rocky, arid areas in the mountains. Chinchillas are named for the Chincha Indians living in the Andes. What does the Chinchilla look llike? The body is about 12 inches long and the squirrel-like tail about 5-6 inches. The […]