Capybaras are the largest existing rodent in the world. They are related to guinea pigs, chinchillas, agoutis. Native to Venezuela, Capybaras inhabit much of South America, living in densely forested areas near water – lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, marshes, swamps. They stand about 20-25 inches tall and weigh from 75-150 lbs. although larger specimens have […]
Exotic Rodents

African Pygmy Hedgehogs
Origin Though originally native to Africa, Hedgehogs are now bred in captivity in North America and have become very interesting pets. Hedgehogs are about 5-8 inches long with a lifespan of 4-6 years. The underside of the Hedgehog is covered with soft fur, but prickly spines cover their backs. The spines lie flat when the […]

See also: African Pygmy Hedgehogs Hedgehogs are native to Africa, the Middle East and Europe. They are imported to the U.S. as pets, not released in the wild. You can find breeders of hedgehogs in the U.S. A hedgehog can be an excellent pet for someone who is allergic to dogs and cats. Climate plays […]

Sugar Gliders
Sugar Gliders are from Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea. They feed partly on nectar and eucalyptus sap and have a flap of skin between wrist and ankles allowing them to glide – hence their name. Life span is 12-14 years. Besides in the states of Alaska, California and Idaho, Sugar Bears can legally be kept […]

Where does the Degu come from? Degus are a type of rodent which are closely related to the chinchilla and Guinea pig, and although they do bear some resemblance to both gerbils and squirrels they are not closely related to these species. They come from central Chile where they live in semi-arid regions at the […]

Spiny Mice
Spiny Mice – Egyptian and Arabian Spiny mice live an average of 3-5 years. They are 1 3/4-4 inches long. The tail is 1 1/2 times the body length. Colors are agouti, tan and cream. They have fox-like faces, large eyes and rounded ears. Hair along the spine is thicker and stiff which gives them […]
Multimammate Mice
Multimammate Mice are known by many names – Natal Multimammate Rat, Common African Rat, Soft-furred Rat. They are referred to as the link between mice and rats. The fur is long, soft and silky. The body is 15 cm., the tail is 11 cm. and weight is 60 gms. Lifespan is 2-3 years. This is […]

Harvest Mice
The Harvest Mouse is one of Britain’s smallest mammals at 2.5 inches long, weighing 1/5 oz. It lives in the southeast part of England. Life span in captivity can be 5 years. This mouse has a prehensile tail, meaning the tail wraps around things to assist the mouse in climbing. A plastic or glass aquarium […]

African Striped Grass Mouse
Also known as Zebra mice, they can be found in North Africa. These small creatures have light brown, brindle or striped coats with a black stripe from the head to the tail tip. Creamy circles surround their black eyes. Life span is about 3 years. A large glass aquarium with a secure mesh top is […]
African Pygmy Mice
African Pygmy Mice are found in Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Their bodies are 4.5 cm. long with a 3 cm. tail. Ears are large and triangular in shape. They weigh about 0.11-0.42 oz. Colors are grey and dark red brown with light bellies. Females are lighter in color than males. Lifespan is about […]