News from the ASPCA on the upcoming vote on the Agriculture Appropriations bill. Dear Animal Advocates, Great news! Congress is busy setting the federal budget for fiscal year 2013, and on June 19, Rep. Jim Moran’s amendment to block use of taxpayer dollars for horse slaughter inspections was approved by the House Appropriations Committee! This […]
Horse Welfare
Through the years, horses have served man willingly, but man has not always treated horses as the loyal companion they are. Horse lovers around the world have advocated for their welfare. We thank them for their diligent efforts on behalf of all horses.
Here are a list of articles having to do with Horse Welfare

HSUS-Stronger Horse Soring Rules
The HSUS report on stronger action against horse soring. Posted: 05 Jun 2012 01:20 PM PDT In 2010, The HSUS and a broad coalition of horse industry and animal protection groups filed a legal petition with the U.S. Department of Agriculture documenting that soring practices are rampant in the industry as part of trainers’ and […]

HSUS Investigation of Horse Soring
The practice of horse soring is when the hooves and lower leg areas are intentionally injured in order to cause the horse pain and distress. This cruel treatment is in order to make the horse step higher than natural in shows. This exaggerated gait gives owners and trainers more of an advantage in winning. The […]

ASPCA-Ban Racehorse Drugging
Here is a letter from the ASPCA explaining what you can do to stop this horrendous practice. Please join the ASPCA in helping horses. Dear Animal Advocates, On May 5, a thoroughbred named I’ll Have Another won the 138th Kentucky Derby. This Saturday is the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes takes place in three weeks. […]

ASPCA – Stop Horse Slaughter
The ASPCA along with other animal welfare organizations reminds us of the need to keep Congress and the White House aware that 80% of Americans oppose horse slaughter. It is urgent that you ask your Congressmen to pass the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. This legislation would achieve two things: it would prohibit the export […]

Feral Horse and Burro Roundups
Wayne Pacelle of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) reminds us that the welfare of the feral (or as they are sometimes known, wild) horses and burros on federal lands is a major concern. These animals are rounded up using helicopters and baiting them with water to lure them into a corral. This […]

HSUS – “Soring” Horses
The Horse Protection Act, passed 40 years ago, was meant to eliminate the practice of “soring” horses. As the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) explains, the “soring” of horses consists of using chemicals and other substances causing extreme pain in horses’ hooves and legs. It is used in show competitions to give them […]

Second Careers for Racehorses
Retired racehorses often begin “second careers” in other sports, as studs/broodmares or as therapeutic pets. At the Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit at Keeneland June 28, 2010, speakers stressed the need for racehorses to be treated well in order for them to have the ability to start a second career. If pushed too […]

Horse Breeding
The Bedouin of the Middle East are the earliest known horse breeders. They created the Arabian Horse, which was a fast breed. The Akhal-Teke of West-Central Asia was bred for war and racing in ancient times. Medieval Europeons bred large horses specifically for war, called destriers. These large horses provided more power for the knight’s […]

FoA-Ban on NYC Horse-Drawn Carriages
Host Anna Vitale of the Mindlight TV show featured New York State Senator Tony Avella and Edita Birnkrant, New York Director of Friends of Animals explaining about the New York City horse-drawn carriage industry. Discussed were the ongoing efforts of FoA working with Senator Avella to pass a state law banning horse-drawn carriages. Legislation is […]