In an attempt to end the inhumane treatment of animals, organizations around the world work daily to protect animals. They investigate and report to the proper authorities any cruel treatment. As an example, in Atlanta, Georgia, United States, attendance at the Humane Lobby Day, February 28, 2012 will teach you effective lobbying techniques and state […]
The program of capturing and euthanizing strays doesn’t work as it does not prevent over-population. New cats and dogs take the place of those captured. Since feral cats and dogs too are usually unsocialized, it’s impossible to put them up for adoption. Most shelters don’t have the time or the money to invest in socializing […]
Cloud Nine Rescue Flights is an organization working to solve the problem of animal overpopulation. The flights transport animals to areas of the country where animal population is controlled. Using reliable aircraft and the services of highly skilled volunteer pilots keeps the cost of transport affordable. Costs are about $140 per animal. Travel time, which […]