Beth Zimmerman, who writes The Wet Nose Blog E-Newsletter for Pets For Patriots, encourages us to recognize and report acts of cruelty to animals. Animal cruelty can have many faces but Black’s Law Dictionary defines it as “The infliction of physical pain, suffering or death upon an animal, when not necessary for purposes of training […]
Tail docking is the artificial removal of an animal’s tail. It is usually only done for cosmetic reasons. Many people think it’s inhumane, so tail docking is illegal in many countries including France, Germany, Greece, Israel and the UK and the Province of New Brunswick in Canada. In New Brunswick, it’s illegal to remove tails […]
Pets for Patriots blogger, Beth Zimmerman, explains what to do with the family pet when a service person receives PCS order (Permanent Change of Station). Married service persons’ families are included in the order. The family must notify the proper military offices about pets and make any necessary travel arrangements. If the service member’s family […]