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Persian Jirds
Persian Jirds, like other Jirds, are relatives of the Mongolian Gerbil. They can be found in rocky mountain areas from Eastern Turkey to Pakistan. They are about 6 inches long with tails 1 1/2 times the length of the body. Tails are used for balance. Ears and eyes are large. In the wild, Jirds live […]
Exotic Rodents
Before choosing an exotic rodent, do some research on the specific breed. Rodents which are new to the pet trade can be hard to tame and may not allow you to handle them. They can be expensive to buy and vet bills can be high so consult your budget first. Make sure there is a […]
Mediterranean Lemmings
Mediterranean Lemmings are rarely seen in captivity. Best housing for a Lemming is an aquarium with a secure mesh top. Bedding can be a small layer of wood shavings with shredded paper or straw on top. Straw is also part of their diet. Cardboard rolls or pvc pipe should be added to the Lemmings a […]