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ASPCA Urges Support of Humane Egg Bill
Dear Animal Advocates, The vast majority of egg-producing hens in our country live in miserable and cruel conditions. Thankfully, important legislation has been introduced in Congress to help improve these animals’ lives. The Egg Products Inspection Act Amendments of 2012 (S. 3239/H.R. 3798) represents a joint effort between the egg industry and animal protection groups […]
Along with the Best Friends Animal Society, we ask you to contact your congressional representatives and urge them to vote YES on the PUPS bill. Currently, the Animal Welfare Act requires only that commercial dog breeders have a U.S. Department of Agriculture license to sell wholesale to pet stores and brokers. If puppies are sold […]
Cruel Practice of Hounding
Hounding is a so-called “sport” using dogs with high-tech radio collars including GPS to chase and run down animals. With a portable receiver, the “hunter” just waits for the signal that the dogs have trapped the animal. The hunter follows the signal reaching the trapped animal and shoots it at point-blank range. Both the dogs […]