The Valentini Pufferfish is also called the Black Saddle Pufferfish, Blacksaddled Toby, Valentini Toby, or Saddled Toby. It is found in the tropical Indo-Pacific from the Red Sea to Eastern Australian coast. Males are 4.3 in., females about 3 in. Small fish such as Damsels, Tangs and some Wrasses may be troublesome. Tank size is […]
Red Sea Fish

Emperor Angelfish
The Emperor Angelfish is also known as mperial Angelfish and Imperator Angelfish. It is found in tropical Indo-Pacific, the Red Sea and east to Hawaii. This fish is moderately difficult to keep and is not recommended for beginners. It should only be placed in an aquarium with ideal water conditions. Males are 16 in., females […]

Pajama (sixline) Wrasse
The Pajama Wrasse is a hardy fish, disease resistant and likely to be long-lived. It controls pests in the aquarium, and will even clean the bodies and fins of other fish. This fish is found throughout the Red Sea and tropical Indo-Pacific. Males grow up to 4 in., females up to 2 in. Most other […]

Sunburst Butterflyfish
The Sunburst Butterflyfish, found in the tropical Indo-Pacific from the Red Sea to Hawaii, is also called the Black-lipped Butterflyfish and Klein’s Butterflyfish. This fish is yellowish brown with 1-2 broad lighter vertical bars. It has a black bar across the eyes. It is an easy fish to keep and suitable for beginners. Males and […]

Regal Angelfish
The Regal Angelfish is a sensitive fish and should only be kept by an experienced fish keeper. It is found in the Red Sea and tropical Indo-Pacific. Males and females are both 10 in. Larger tangs and other angelfish can be aggressive. This fish should be kept singly in a peaceful tank. Minimum tank size […]

Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse
The Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse is found in the Red Sea, Indian Ocean and Western tropical Pacific. It eats parasites and dead tissue off larger fishes’ skin. This fish is very difficult to keep in captivity and only expert aquarists should attempt it. Usually it will only survive a few weeks to a month before dying […]
Asful (Arabian) Angelfish
Large males can be up to 18 in., females 12 in. Youngsters clean other fish to be ignored, adults will hide when introduced to avoid aggressive fish. Minimum tank size is 132 gal. Best kept singly unless the tank is large enough to accommodate a pair. Found in the Red Sea and East Africa. List […]
Domino Damselfish
The Domino Damselfish is a hardy fish, and can tolerate conditions which would kill other fish. It is a good beginner fish. It is found in tropical Indo-Pacific from the Red Sea to Southern Australia. The Domino Damselfish is almost entirely black with three white spots. Males grow to 5.5 in., females to 4 in. […]

Humbug Aruanus
The Humbug Aruanus is also called the Humbug Dasyllus and Striped Damselfish. It is found in tropical Indo-Pacific from the Red Sea to Southern Australia. This fish is hardy and inexpensive and thus a good choice for a beginner. Males are 4 in., females 3.1 in. Wrasses or other Damsels can be aggressive. The minimum […]

Semicircle Angelfish
The Semicircle Angelfish is also known as the Blue Angelfish and Koran Angelfish. It is found in the Red Sea, East Africa and the tropical Indo-Pacific. Adults and juveniles have very different appearances. Angelfish in general are not very hardy, but this fish is one of the hardiest of this fish family. Males are 15.7 […]