The French Angelfish is both a popular aquarium fish and a popular food in places such as Singapore and Thailand.It is found in the western Atlantic from Florida to Brazil and in the Caribbean. It is a pretty hardy fish. Males are 16 in., and females are smaller. Youngsters clean other fish and are usually […]
Fish Over 6 inches
This is the category page for fish that are over 6 inches.
Flagfin (Threespot) Angelfish
The Flagfin Angelfish is found along the East African coastline, to Sri Lanka and the Maldives and the western topical Pacific including southern Japan and Australia. It is a medium to hard fish to keep. It is more likely to thrive in a reef-type system with plenty of invertebrate-encrusted live rock. Younger specimens and specimens […]
Ornate Swallowtail Angelfish
The Ornate Angelfish (also called Bellus Angelfish) is a moderately easy fish to keep, but expensive to buy. It is found mostly in the Pacific Ocean, with some in the Indian Ocean. Males grow up to 7 in., but the females are smaller. Dwarf angels can be aggressive with the Swallowtail. The minimum size tank […]

Emperor Angelfish
The Emperor Angelfish is also known as mperial Angelfish and Imperator Angelfish. It is found in tropical Indo-Pacific, the Red Sea and east to Hawaii. This fish is moderately difficult to keep and is not recommended for beginners. It should only be placed in an aquarium with ideal water conditions. Males are 16 in., females […]
Majestic Angelfish
Males are 11 in., females smaller. The majestic can take care of itself and will hide to avoid confrontations with territorial fish. Tank size is a minimum of 106 gal. Found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Great Barrier Reef and Micronesia. List of Fish Andaman Damselfish Arabian (Orange) Dottyback Asful (Arabian) Angelfish […]
Lamarck Angelfish
Males are 10 in., females from 2 in. up. Most fish tolerate the lamarck, but Surgeons and tangs can show territorial aggression. Minimum size tank is 70 gal. for single female, at least 132 gal. for single male, pairs need at least 145 gal. If kept in pairs, best male/female. Found in Indonesia, Malaysia, the […]

Queen Angelfish
The Queen Angelfish is a moderately difficult fish to keep and not recommended for beginners. It is native to the Western Atlantic and the Caribbean. This fish spends most of its time out in the open and is awake during the day and rests at night. Males and females are both 18 in. Other angelfish […]

Regal Angelfish
The Regal Angelfish is a sensitive fish and should only be kept by an experienced fish keeper. It is found in the Red Sea and tropical Indo-Pacific. Males and females are both 10 in. Larger tangs and other angelfish can be aggressive. This fish should be kept singly in a peaceful tank. Minimum tank size […]
Vermiculated Angelfish
Males are 7 in, females slightly smaller. This is a shy fish and Dwarf Angelfish, Wrasses, Tangs or larger fish may be aggressive. Minimum size tank is 106 gal. Found in the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific. List of Fish Andaman Damselfish Arabian (Orange) Dottyback Asful (Arabian) Angelfish Australian Anemonefish Bandit Angelfish Banggai Cardinalfish Blackcap […]
Blueface Angelfish
Males are 15 in., females smaller. The juveniles are seen as cleaner fish and ignored and adults can look after themselves. Best kept singly. Tank size is a minimum of 160 gal. Found in the Western Indian Ocean to the tropical Pacific. List of Fish Andaman Damselfish Arabian (Orange) Dottyback Asful (Arabian) Angelfish Australian Anemonefish […]