Horse Health

Increase of Rabies in Horses

Spring 2013 Horses were rarely vaccinated for rabies because it was so uncommon. However there has been a change and not a good one. Rabies has made its way West moving from the Eastern United States. Where bats were once the chief source of rabies, it is now being found with increasing alarm in ground […]

Horse Health

Expectant Mares

A mare’s pregnancy is 11 months long. That gives us enough time to prepare for the birth of the foal. The foal will do most of its growing during the last trimester of pregnancy. At that time, about 8 months into the pregnancy, the mare will require more food. Care should be taken where the […]

Horse Health

Choke in Horses

Choke in horses is not the same as it is in humans. Choke in horses occurs when something is lodged in the esophagus. A horse that is experiencing choke can still breathe but cannot swallow due to the obstruction. At greater risk for choke are horses that eat too quickly or horses that cannot chew […]

Horse Health

Do Horses Vomit

When horses eat, the food is swallowed and passes down the esophagus into the stomach. There is a strong band of muscle called the cardiac sphincter around the esophagus at the stomach entrance. While all mammals have the cardiac sphincter which is a valve, it is different in horses for these reasons. It is extremely […]

Horse Health

Horses Feeding Changes in Spring

Over winter your horse may have lost or gained weight. Now that spring is here, your horse will probably get more exercise and lose those extra pounds and build up muscle. Pastures that have been dormant over the cold season are now turning green, providing your horse with high amounts of nutrients such as sugar […]

Horse Health

How Much Weight Can a Horse Carry

The amount of weight a horse can carry depends upon the horse. Some can carry more comfortably than others. While horses willingly carry heavy weight, it can cause changes in gait as well as back and leg problems. Some riders, such as the disabled, tend to distribute their weight unevenly, making them seem heavier and […]

Horse Health

Grazing for Horses

Horses love grazing. When put out to pasture they graze for hours on end. But what’s the best way to maintain those grazing grasses? Rotational grazing is the answer, especially in seasons with little or no rainfall. Plant areas with warm season grasses such as Bermuda grass. Alfalfa has a deep root system and will […]

Horse Health

Strangles in Horses

Strangles is a bacterial infection, Streptococcus Equi. It can quickly spread from horse to horse contact or contaminated materials such as food and water buckets, grooming tools, etc. The disease is known as strangles because sometimes extreme swelling of lymph nodes in the throat area can cause suffocation. The bacteria enters through the nose or […]

Diseases Affecting Multiple Species Horse Health News

Horse Virus Outbreak

There has been an outbreak of a deadly horse virus – herpes virus-1. It is highly contagious and can be fatal. The virus was discovered at the National Cutting Horse Association’s Western National Championships in Ogden, Utah. There were 400 horses participating in the events lasting from April 30 through May 8. Since the event, […]

Cat Articles Cat Care Cat Health Dog Articles Dog Care Dog Health Horse Articles Horse Health Pet Health Special Needs

Living with a Lame Pet

If your pet is lame, either temporarily or permanently, you will have to make some changes in its care. Caring for a lame dog Lameness in dogs is very common and can be due to injury or a chronic condition. The first thing to do when you notice this problem is to take your dog […]