If you’re researching pet insurance, this is one place you can start to learn all about Trupanion as a pet insurance company. Trupanion began in Canada in 1999 under the name Vetinsurance. Our CEO decided to bring the company down to the US in 2007, but changed the US brand name to Trupanion. Trupanion was […]
General All Pets
General articles about all types of pets.

What can I do about Pet Odors?
Pet owners – have you ever invited guests to your home only to have them wrinkle their noses when entering? You can save yourself embarrassment by following a few tips. First, choose the proper equipment (combs and brushes, etc) suitable for your pet’s coat type. Next, USE them – often. Frequent brushing, combing, etc. will […]

Valuable Lessons From Our Pets
Sharing our lives with pets brings us much joy and some very valuable life lessons. We should take a break from our busy lives and consider what we can learn from them. Take each day, one at a time, live in each moment. Do one thing at a time so as not to become stressed […]

Pet Insurance Provides You With Peace Of Mind
Have you realized how expensive pet medical bills are getting nowadays? They are more expensive than many other bills we have to pay these days. Even a simple x-ray or a checkup can run pet owners hundreds of dollars. Add in surgery or intensive care and the cost for your pet’s medical bills can be […]

Okey’s Promise
Okey’s Promise is a public art project created by artist BZTAT. It’s purpose is to make everyone aware of the connection between mistreatment of animals, child abuse and domestic violence. Studies have proven that when harm is inflicted on animals, abusers turn their violence against children and women. Okey’s Promise is named in honor of […]

Finding Lost and Found Pets in Your Community
One of the most important things you can do when you lose or find a pet is to get the word out quickly to as many people in the immediate area as possible. CoFounders and owners Shelley Heistand and Judy Charuhas provide a FREE community service website helps make that possible. At www.WinterParkLostPets.com you can […]

Pet Finders
There are times when your pet has gone missing and you’ve exhausted the many means of finding her/him. You can enlist the aid of many organizations on the Internet who cover a wide area and may be able to help you. A word of caution – check with the Better Business Bureau, local shelters and […]

Pet Professions
There are a number of professions associated with pets. There are health professionals as well as professionals who are concerned with pet care and pet behavior. Before choosing a professional to work with your pet, it is important to to check his/her credentials. It’s also a good idea to ask your friends for referrals. Checking […]

What to Do if Your Pet Gets Lost
Losing a pet can be traumatic for the entire family. The Humane Society of the United States provides advice on what to do if you lose your pet. Contact local animal shelters and animal control agencies. Check your phone book or search online for local shelters and report your pet missing. You should file a […]