The program of capturing and euthanizing strays doesn’t work as it does not prevent over-population. New cats and dogs take the place of those captured. Since feral cats and dogs too are usually unsocialized, it’s impossible to put them up for adoption. Most shelters don’t have the time or the money to invest in socializing […]
These are articles that are featured on the homepage of The Pet Wiki.

There Oughta Be a Law
Some animal welfare issues which should be legislated sooner rather than later: Michael Vick and dogs? – not a good mix. The judge in Vick’s cruelty case ruled he should not have a dog for the 3 year probation period. Because Vick has been making public appearances since his release from jail, speaking out against […]
This is the place you come to check out new pet alerts. All information here is created to keep you pets safe. ALERT-Texas Hold’ems Treats Recall ALERT-Western Feed Recall ALERT: Recall of Feed in Nebraska and Wyoming ALERTS – recall of Jones Natural Chews ALERT – Advanced Animal Nutrition Recall ALERT – Another Iams Cat […]

Victories for Animals in 2010
The ASPCA and the HSUS reported on victories for animals in 2010. Here are some of the bills that became law this past year. The Crush Video Act was signed by the President and became law on December 9th. The Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act was passed in Missouri in November. However the fight is […]

Questions for Vets about Medications
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration recommends the following questions to ask your veterinarian regarding prescribed medications for your pet. Why has my pet been precribed these medications? How long does the medicine need to be given? Should it be given with food? How often should the medicine be given? How much each time? If […]

Do You Really Want a Pet?
Congratulations on your interest in sharing your life with another living thing. There are a few things that you should think about before you take those final steps. Remember, when you choose to own a pet, you are taking on a major responsibility. A pet is a living being with feelings. You are making a […]

Pet Safety in Hot Weather
Hot weather means spending lots of time outdoors, something our furpals enjoy too. In order to ensure the safety of our pets, here are some precautions. Take your pet for a spring/summer checkup at the vet. Your vet may want to test your pet for heartworm if you don’t medicate against it all year. Discuss […]

Support the “HAPPY” Act (H.R. 3501)
This bill was brought to my attention by a member of the bonecancerdogs group where I am also a member. The Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years (“HAPPY”) Act is a federal bill, supported by the ASPCA, that would allow responsible pet owners to deduct qualifying pet care and veterinary care to be tax-deductible. […]

Celebrities and their Pets
Celebrities live their lives in the public eye and so do their pets. Some famous pet-lovers are: Martha Stewart has adopted four Chow Chows: Zu-Zu, Paw-Paw, Cin-Cin, and Empress Woo; and seven Himalayan cats: Teeny, Weeny, Mozart, Vivaldi, Verdi, Berlioz, and Bartok. John Lennon had an obsession with cats. John and Yoko Ono shared their […]

Poison Control
Homes can be full of poisons which are dangerous to animals. It is important to keep these items out of your pet’s reach. The ASPCA lists the top ten poison hazards in the home: Human medication, such as painkillers, cold medications, antidepressants and dietary supplements. Insecticides, such as flea and tick products. People food like […]