Dog Health News

Trifexis – a Danger?

Atlanta’s Channel 2 Action News investigator, Jim Strickland, has discovered that the number of dog deaths reported by owners due to administering Trifexis exceeds cases involving Chinese jerky treats. Elanco, the manufacturer of Trifexis has asked Mr. Strickland to turn over his information to them. Mr. Strickland then filed a Freedom of Information request with […]

Dog Behavior Dog Health

Giving Your Dog Treats

Giving your dog treats rewards both of you – your dog is happy and it pleases you. But it’s important to choose the right amount of treats and that they are offered at the right time. With the problem of pet obesity growing, treats should be offered in moderation. There are a wide variety of […]

Cat Health Dog Health

Cold Weather Care for Your Pets

Each winter much of the United States and many other parts of the world experiences a winter storm, sometimes news crews call a really bad one, a “Monster Storm”. Sometime it turns out that Mother Nature is a bit nicer to us than the weather forecasters predicted, but she still dumps a bit of snow […]

Cancer Treatments Dog Health

Update on Penn State Vaccine Trials

Dr. Nicola Mason Bone Cancer Vaccine update November 2013 Dr. Mason’s cancer vaccine update was submitted to Bone Cancer Dogs by a number of members of the Yahoo group. We reported on the vaccine at it’s inception and are pleased to know the results are so promising. It is now over 16 months since the […]

Dog Articles Dog Care Dog Health Special Needs

Living with a Deaf Dog

Living with a deaf dog brings additional challenges. It’s a good idea for all of us to study the needs of a deaf dog. While some dogs are born deaf, old age, injury or illness can bring on deafness. Breeds that have a high propensity for hereditary deafness include the Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepherd, […]

Dog Articles Dog Health Dog Products

Doggie Breath – Causes and Cures

No one wants their pets to have doggie breath. And no one wants to be kissed by a pet that has doggie breath. But take heart, it is preventable and treatable. Bad breath is caused by bacteria buildup in your pet’s mouth. Before treating doggie breath, take your pet to your veterinarian to make sure […]

Biology Dog Health

What Your Dog’s Tongue Tells About Health

The tongue is not a large organ, but of course a very important one. It is made of muscle, connective and fatty tissue, blood vessels and nerves. There are small, mushroom-shaped protrusions called papillae that cover the top of the tongue and aid in tasting. A dog’s tongue has many uses besides tasting food and […]

Canine Cancer Dog Health

Feeding a Dog on Chemotherapy

Dogs on chemotherapy often lose their appetites. They sometimes feel nauseous, are lethargic and can be a bit depressed, all leading to poor eating. Since cancer and its treatments can sap a dog’s strength, it’s very important for them to eat and give the body the proper nutrition. Here are some tips that can help […]

Cat Health Dog Health Pet Health

Vital Signs in Dogs and Cats

It’s very important for pet people to know the normal vital signs of their pets. In case of illness or emergency, the more information you have, the better able your veterinarian will be to treat your pet. Dogs The normal heart rate for dogs is between 70-160 beat per minute. Respiration for dogs is 10-30 […]