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Is Drinking Outdoor Water Sources Dangerous
While cats are usually more discerning, dogs will eat and drink almost anything. If you live or walk your dog near a pond, lake, river, stream, there could be bacteria, parasites, chemicals and a host of other dangers in those waters. The waters may appear innocuous, but there could be perils lurking in them. We […]
Pet Safety During Home Remodeling
You may be getting ready to have a major do-over on your home. It may be a do-it-yourself job or you’ve hired a contractor. In either case, you’ll have all sorts of tools, paint and other construction items lying about. These items can be hazardous to your pet’s health so here are some reminders of […]
Dog Drool and What It Tells Us
Dog drool usually brings to mind one word – yuk! Some breeds normally drool a lot – St. Bernards, Dogue de Bordeaux, Bloodhounds, Great Danes, Newfoundlands, Bullmastiffs, Boxers, Bulldogs. These dogs share a common bond, they have big, open lips. Their saliva settles in their cheek pouches and when they shake their heads, watch out. […]