Cats have a reputation of being aloof, independent, antisocial, showing affection only when they want something and other such behaviors. Those of us who live with cats can easily debunk these myths. Cats may not show love the same ways that dogs do, but they have their own special love actions. Ways Your Cat Shows […]
Cat Behavior
Have you ever wondered why your cat behaves a certain way? In recent decades, scientific research has shed light on many aspects of cat behavior. This information can be used to improve our relationships with our cats as well as to improve their quality of life. Although some behaviors are common to all cats, each cat has an individual personality which influences his behavior. Cat behavior includes body language, sounds, eating patterns and social behavior.

Does Your Cat Need a Friend
Our pets have very similar feelings to ours – we don’t like everyone nor do we want everyone as friends. Our cats also don’t always like another cat added to their home. Cats can be perfectly happy being the “one and only.” They are not usually social creatures unless they’ve grown up together. When cats […]

Why Do Cats Knock Things Over
Cats are capable of pretty weird behaviors. What is normal to them is very strange to us. If you have a cat and suddenly hear something (usually a favorite and/or expensive item) shatter, you might suspect your 4-legged friend is involved. The “experts” are not really sure why cats knock things over, but they do […]

Why Your Cat Sleeps on Your Head
Cats often find the oddest or most inconvenient places to curl up in for a snooze. It may come as no surprise that some cats prefer sleeping on their human’s heads. There are several theories as to why your cat likes to perch on your head for a nap. Here are some of them. Heat […]

A Cat’s Tail
A cat’s tail is an extension of the spine. The number of bones called caudal vertebrae, is 19-23, 10% of total number of bones in the cat’s body. A male cat’s tail is about 11 inches long while the female cat’s tail is about 9.9 inches long. The tail contains muscles, ligaments and tendons which […]

Cats Urinating Everywhere but the Litter Box
If your cat who did use the litter box starts urinating elsewhere, there could be a couple of reasons for this behavior. Some cats refuse to use a litter box until it’s clean. Other cats don’t like sharing a litter box with another cat. Have there been any changes in routine of the household that […]

Kindergarten for Kittens
We always think of training sessions as something associated with puppies and dogs. But kittens and their humans benefit from kindergarten classes too. Timing is very important. After kittens have their first vaccinations, they are ready and willing to learn. This is the time, at 8 – 15 weeks old to enroll your kitten in […]

Scruffing for Cats
Today I learned a new word – Scruffing. Although I’m familiar with the action, didn’t know that’s what it’s called. Scruffing is used by mama cats to discipline their youngsters who become unruly. But it’s important to know if and when it’s appropriate to scruff your cat and how to do it without angering your […]

Does Coat Color Predict A Cat’s Behavior
Do you believe that the color of your cat’s coat influences its personality and behavior? If so, you’re not alone. Since genetics are involved in producing the cat’s coat, they may also predict certain behaviors. Color pigment follow the same biochemical path as some brain substances such as dopamine which strongly influences behavior. Ancient cat […]

Fraidy Cats
Most cats easily adjust to their families’ routines and even strangers who come for a visit. They’ve been socialized early to understand human behavior and take it all in stride. But some cats can be fearful and there are a number of reasons – lack of socialization, traumatic experiences, being weaned too early, taught to […]