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HSUS-An End to Shelter Gas Chambers
Texas has joined other states in banning the use of the gas euthanasia chamber throughout the state. Wayne Pacelle, CEO and President of the HSUS tells us that Representative Jim Moran (D-Va), co-chair of the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus is reintroducing a federal resolution condemning the use of carbon monoxide gas chambers for euthanasia of […]
Reprieve for Eastern Rattlers
The Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake is a venomous snake found throughout the Southeastern United States – southeast North Carolina to Florida, the Florida Keys, southern Mississippi and eastern Louisiana and Georgia. They live in swamps, forests and prairies. As the largest rattlesnake species, the Eastern Diamondback is 3 1/2 – 5 1/2 feet long full grown. […]
HSUS – Culture No Defense for Cruelty
Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), speaks out against using long-time abusive practices against animals. The excuse for using these practices is that it is an expression of that peoples’ culture. Examples of these cultural excuses are the killing of bulls for entertainment in Spain, cockfighting, falsified […]