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Emin’s and Gambian Pouched Rats
Emin’s and Gambian Pouched Rats are so similar that it’s difficult to tell them apart. They are originally from Africa where they lived in forests and wooded areas. They were once imported to the U.S. as pets, but importation is now illegal as a pouched rat was found to be a carrier of monkeypox. The […]
African Pygmy Dormice
Contents 1 Appearance and personality 2 Cage and Habitat 3 Feeding 4 Handling 5 Video 6 External Websites Appearance and personality These little creatures are collequially known as micro squirrels and sometimes as the African Dwarf Dormouse, or Woodland Dormouse. Body length is about 9cm with a bushy tail at approximately 7cm. An average weight […]
The domestic Rabbit originated with the European Rabbit. The Rabbit’s natural habitats are Europe, Africa and parts of Asia. There are more than 45 breeds of Rabbits. Different breeds have different personalities and characteristics. A female rabbit is known as a doe and a male rabbit is a buck. For show purposes, rabbits are divided […]