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Groundhogs and Their Day
The Groundhog is the only mammal to have a day named for him. Groundhog Day falls on February 2nd, each year. The Pennsylvania Dutch introduced the tradition to the U.S. in the 18th century. Originally, these early German immigrants had celebrated Candlemas in Germany with the badger, but transferred the honor to the Groundhog. Candlemas […]
L-Carnitine for Dieting Cats
L-Carnitine is a nutrient that carries fatty acids to cells and is very important in helping cells produce energy. It is mainly produced in the liver and kidneys. The highest concentration of L-Carnitine is found in meat and chicken – the redder the meat, the higher the amount. Cats deficient in L-Carnitine can develop heart […]
Pet Adoption: The Numbers Behind the Need
This infographic was developed through a partnership with the Petfinder Foundation and Orvis to help animal shelters and rescue groups find loving homes for dogs in need. It shares some of the most current figures on pet homelessness. Orvis and Petfinder hope that with continued awareness and more resources made available for prospective owners, these […]