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Acne in Cats and Dogs
Acne is usually thought of as a teenage skin condition, but cats and dogs can develop acne too. It can be recognized by red lumps called papulis and blackheads, comedones, on the chin and lip area. Feline acne is much more common than canine acne. The acne spots usually don’t bother your pet. However they […]
Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth
Brushing your pet’s teeth daily takes only seconds and can save you and your pet from needless misery. Plaque (tartar) buildup can occur very quickly and usually begins near or at the gum-line. It’s always best to accustom your pet to your touch all over his/her body including the mouth and teeth. But it’s never […]
Dangerous Dog Treats
Many of us, well-meaning dog lovers though we are, give our dogs chew treats not realizing the risk involved. The ASPCA said that in 2006 the number of physical hazard calls increased 460% to over 3,800 and continues to grow. Included in this group are rawhide chews, cow hooves, pig ears, Greenies, Nylabones, Bully Sticks, […]