Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Sweden Group: Herding Height: 11-13 in. Weight: 20-35 lbs. Life span: 12-15 yrs. Trainability: high Good with children: yes with early socialization Good with other pets: yes but may be dog-aggressive What is the origin of the Swedish Vallhund? The Swedish Vallhund has been known for centuries, even during the […]
Swedish Dogs
This is the category page for Swedish dogs.

Swedish Elkhound
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Sweden Group: Spitz type Height: 22-26 in. Weight: 66 lbs. Life span: 12-14 yrs. Trainability: high Good with children: yes Good with other pets: may show dominance with other dogs What is the origin of the Swedish Elkhound? Also known as the Jamthuind, the Swedish Elkhound, a Spitz-type dog, dates […]