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Doggie Breath – Causes and Cures
No one wants their pets to have doggie breath. And no one wants to be kissed by a pet that has doggie breath. But take heart, it is preventable and treatable. Bad breath is caused by bacteria buildup in your pet’s mouth. Before treating doggie breath, take your pet to your veterinarian to make sure […]
What illnesses are preventable in cats?
The following is a list of some illnesses that are preventable in cats. If you begin vaccinations at an early age you are giving your cat every opportunity to live a healthy, happy, long life. There is controversy over yearly boosters, whether to give or not to give them. Personally I think it’s advisable at […]
Things Pet Owners to Must Know about Pet Sitting
When you have a lot of work to do or have to go on a business trip or heading out of town on vacation, it is not always possible for you to take your dog or cat with you. While you may always leave your pet with a friend or member of your family, they […]