Research Progress on Dog Cancer at U. of Minnesota

The University of Minnesota Animal Cancer Care and Research reports on progress from the Modiano Laboratory. Their research not only helps fight cancer in dogs and other animals, but is relevant to cancer in humans.

Researchers at the Lab have found that Hemangiosarcoma (which is like angiosarcoma in humans) may have a genetic risk in golden retrievers that were tested.

Research in Osteosarcoma has identified molecular abnormalities in tumor behavior. A new immunotherapy, used prior to surgery and chemotherapy, has shown promise in delaying metastases and lengthening survival time in some dogs. Other clinical trials are ongoing.

Studies for canine lymphoma involving golden retrievers show a possible genetic factor. Partnering with two companies that produce antibody-based drugs for humans, researchers hope to apply the same treatment in combination with other treatments for dogs with lymphoma.

Research continues in other forms of cancer as well as those mentioned that develop in dogs, cats and other animals as well as humans.

The immediate goal is to find better treatments for all types of cancer and lengthen survival time. The long-term goal is to remove the fear of cancer and for it to be as treatable as other non-lethal diseases.

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